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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. And his timeline doesn't make sense.
  2. Absolutely not, that would be a cut in ANG fighter pay and a very small raise in AD fighter pay of CMR pilots, the heavy guys would rake it in.
  3. We do ours in San Diego, it would be a shame to miss.
  4. I also saw a dude land so hard the rivets popped out the top of the wing and the gear collapsed.
  5. Not gonna happen for a very long time.
  6. The side stick changes everything, as well as digital flight controls. If the F-16 is buffeting (like the T-38) its probably time to do a controllability check and/or eject, it doesn't even compare.
  7. The -38 needs to go, the follow on aircraft, save the F-15, are nothing like it.
  8. It was more than vaporware. Oh yeah, Pratt engines always sucked, gimme a GE any day.
  9. Thats a pretty insightful story. Chicago?
  10. I find it interesting everyone think's Texans are all packing heat, the Arizona gun laws are MUCH less restrictive. We don't need a permit/license to open and conceal carry at all. And I know everyone is pretty much packing.
  11. I'm starting to see arguments for a separate service, the "Air Force" and the "We support the Air Force". You could call it the SWAF, or SAF. And inside the "Air Force" we could have the MAF, CAF and.......oh wait we have that already.
  12. In my experience certain people have different learning curves, no matter how equal the snowflakes want to make us. If you fly your MF ass off for the first 4-6 years in your given MWS and pick things up fairly quickly, your probably set for life given 5-7 flights a month and time to attend squadron academics and self study. I have seen 40 year olds that couldn't start the jet correctly, so giving a frag does mean something. I also think there are a lot of people who think they are "good in the jet" and they are dismal failures, I am not one of them, I am good. (or was, story for a future post) On a side note, CE does some good stuff, but I have to harken back to a world famous Flying Fiends Show of Colors tradition of statements in a "What if" format. "What if" support did.
  13. Luke is a dying entity in this regard. Kelly for a while, Tucson until the foreign parters stop flying it, maybe 2040.
  14. Happy Memorial Day fuckers. Tammy Archuletta, Mark Graziano, Mike Dodson, Bruiser Bryant and all the others I didn't know well.
  15. Not when I did it, I was in white jet pergatory for 4.5 years and we only horse traded for joint FAIP spouse one time. We traded nearly every drop other than that.
  16. For the love of......don't take it!
  17. If you have been passed over, get the F out and find something else. It's like holding on to a high school girlfriend that breaks up with you when you go to college, its all good in the end.
  18. Heard Seymour Johnson was a bloodbath, any truth to it?
  19. Speaking of quitters, I wonder what Rainmans take would be.
  20. What he said, gotta see the big picture bro.
  21. Still not Hillary Still not Merrick Garland
  22. I see somebody is starting to grow up, your statement has problems liking boxing people in, but on the right track.
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