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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Do you contribute or just ask questions Scoobs, I mean caseyfl?
  2. Well, it can also mean everyone is tired of it and the investigator will find nothing and close the case. The "others" are calling for a special prosecutor with no evidence of a crime, can you say witch hunt?
  3. Nope, they'll just say the Justice department is biased because Trump runs it. The president looks bad and the people pushing this nothingburger are the same reason, in part, why Hillary lost, we are tired of the sky is falling.
  4. Look this one up, and he has been murdered. Fake news is anything on Russia and our election, therefore every demo talking point.
  5. He's playing the media like a fiddle. The major DNC, er, media sources are losing their minds of the "classified" stuff he may or may not have let go. Play it out for a little while, hire a new FBI director and drop the bomb on Hillary that she is back under investigation for mishandling classified. The media will be stuck in the corner over what they said prior it will be fun to watch, kind of like the Comey firing.
  6. Both channels, you are one of the lucky ones that has 2 squadron commanders, ANG and AD.
  7. Deaddebate is the doctor on here, just figured Toro would screen it for the good doc.
  8. They have to have TR jobs available and it sounds like they don't. If you tried to curtail, you could be out of a job completely.
  9. Pssst. Shhh! Pilots don't really fly RPA's. Don't tell anyone.
  10. We do them all as a Wing, and they are signed off for us, but anything like this is good
  11. Lets see another reset button or a missile strike on Syria to see. Oh wait..... The info is all there.
  12. The head of the DNI said there was nothing going on vis-a-vis TRUMP, admit to the whole story there Mr. Player. And again, the election wasn't hacked, the DNC was by whoever. Someone tried to influence it? Sure, we do the same as we ought to, except when Obama did it in Israel, that was BS.
  13. Well you have to ask the opposite, prove it. No doubt they want to influence it and they probably tried, we do the same thing. The proof is in the pudding as they say, would a foreign power want a unpredictable republican in office or a jellied spine democrat who already sold them uranium. Russia does not win with the Republican, they win with a democrat or does the whole site need a history lesson? You are going to hear "Special" or "Independent" or "Bi-partisan" PROSECUTOR all weekend. There is nothing to prosecute, no laws broken. There is no proof, Clapper said it and Comes said it. This is all political.
  14. You're doing to get triggered, if you care.
  15. I was in pilot training in 2000, it was exactly the same. Then some goat fuckers flew airplanes into buildings.
  16. Comey was a tool and firing him would look bad....until yesterday, when Clapper said over and over under oath there was no collusion between Trump and Russia. That gave Trump the breathing room to fire him, Obama should have fired him. And Ns, love ya man but Russia didn't hack the election, they hacked the DNC and did it help? It certainly didn't hurt, but Hillary was a terrible candidate that nobody trusted. Bernie had a better chance I think, at least he's honest about his views, I like him for that, but his views would take us down the road of Venezuela. Trump wasn't my guy, I liked Rubio or Cruz, but I like most of what he says and is doing, all be it with the Trump flair which I find entertaining. This whole thing is just to delegitimize Trump so it is partisan, but we don't have to hate each other. The BIG story everyone is missing is who ordered the unmasking, that would be bigger than WaterGate.
  17. I've flown over that shithole country and you can really get boxed in on the southwestern point of it.
  18. My B, still haven't seen the video of the (rumored) combat camera crew that was in the cockpit when this happened, true it exists? You kinda answered 2 questions with one answer 4 years ago.
  19. They don't want to do it, anything more than that is making them oppressed or a victim. And we all know the military would bend over backwards to sign them up, and maybe that is also part of the problem. They don't know if they are succeeding because of what they did versus who they are, I would think that would be unfulfilling.
  20. Lumber and Panch grabbed it straight in the Petunia. Preach on.
  21. There are benefits to this airplane, its just not what we need, or anyone needs. It's an A-10 with less capability and under mounted engines, with 2 crew! The cost will not outlay the benefits.
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