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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. You want pics of a dude? To each his own...
  2. Nothing to give, but don't take the money, other than I wanted to be the pic on all of the General discussion board.
  3. Or you could realize they all want our money, news and politicians that is, and tell them to fuck off. More specifically the left, trying to spread the shit we own around.
  4. I'm with you, got Toro to tell his in a round about way, trying to get DFresh to tell his and more to come.......
  5. OH you can do better than that, 10% rule and all.......
  6. Yes, but I bet you will not fly. Travis should have a military treatment facility (MTF) that you can PCS to, but that is your job, to get better. If you have a waiver it might help, if not try the EFMP, dunno if it works for the member and not his family. Are you looking at an MEB?
  7. Well this is quickly merging into the Died forum, where I would just laugh and laugh at the chiefs who tried to chief me. My name is Captain Blues, my unit is at 1060 W. Addison.
  8. Here is one for the masses, I get an assignment I don't like or want so I take the RIP down to the Laughlin MPF and 7 day opt it, ask if there is anything else I need to do, nope is the answer. I go into the MPF once a month and ask if there is anything I need to do, nope (I sign in every time cause I know I'm getting screwed). Fast forward 3 months and I am TDY on a Class A investigation (T-38 crashes on landing in Houston, they could make a movie outta that one) and I have that damn new government card that acts like a debit card and I call Citibank to make sure my room was covered. I find out I have over $5K on the card for my PCS, to the assignment I thought I 7 day opted. In the meanwhile I had applied for VSP through the vMPF because my future ANG until wanted my there before my ADSC was up. After a lot of back and forth I was told I could remove my VSP app and basically 4 month opt at the time or let my VSP ride and if I get denied, just opt out of the assignment. They agreed that my local MPF screwed me over and were willing to bend over backwards to help me, I got VSP. (Don't take the money......ever). Turns out you have to 7 day opt on vMPF, nobody knew.
  9. That will happen a lot, get used to it. There is no direct line from the recruiting office and a pilots phone, the recruiter will probably just try to enlist you. This board is a great way to start, watch the job announcements come out and when you start your senior year (just my WAG) start calling the numbers on the announcements of places you want to live, even if the announcement is old, they will be able to tell you when the next board is. Get good grades, don't be a douche, pull good wool and it will all work out.
  10. Whatevs, keep rolling back Obamas stupid shit and things will get better, at least in everyone's pocketbook.
  11. I think we just decided to kill them over there versus having to do it on 'Merican soil.
  12. What did they give you? Oh, and our ANG wing has a DS.
  13. I was one of those 11F's paid to get out, turns out the jokes on me. DONT TAKE THE MONEY! I will explain in a large wall of words soon. And why don't you have an airline job yet??
  14. Hey DFresh, lets talk about B course graduation critiques! If not I will, something about scheduling being like your throttle technique on TR-1...
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