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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. What, so mommy and daddy can have a say back at the AOC or CAOC?
  2. Scorpion is still not going to happen.
  3. Totally true, I felt taken out of the fight to go to TP stalls and slow flight, hated it. They weren't much doing 3 ops assignments in a row back then. The trip turning in the Del Rio sun didn't help either.
  4. White jets was a terrible deal, I couldn't leave fast enough.
  5. She is well liked by most southern AZ people, but you should have heard the local talk shows when she was running, the retired A-10 pilot community came out of the woodwork to slam her. (sts)
  6. As a Viper dude, this is a terrible idea for more reasons than I'll get into.
  7. For your military special in the plastic bottle.
  8. I've been trolling Toro for years to release that, I need to find a new target......
  9. So you are retired now.......
  10. Those are pretty good, but did you do the Christmas party?
  11. Seriously? BTZ is like 5%, and a medical officer (not a doc) is seriously out of the running. Add up that this person is previously of another branch, those OPR's do not translate.
  12. Go buy a lottery ticket, your chances are about the same. If no O-6 or 0-7 have told you the rank is coming, then chances are slim to none.
  13. I didn't think you got passed over, then why do you ask?
  14. Much like the Kunsan Gold Bond powder video, hard to find, but out there. Part 2 is even more protected.
  15. Well, now it's out there. And cadet soANDso is all over the interwebs
  16. see this: http://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/topic/21404-flying-videos-thread-part-2/?page=3#comment-422824
  17. Yawn.....the 36-1 squadron just copied the better one:
  18. I think you are correct about the influence in Phase II, I also think the kids see fighter guys defiantly deploying for 6 months at a time and might be getting told the heavy bro's just out and back the crappy locations. When I was a Phase III dude, we used to hang out in the T-6 flights that were about to track and just talk to them, don't know if it helped or not. The students these days are much better informed than we probably ever were (I graduated in Sep 2001, yes, that month), I just wanted to fly fast and drink with my friends, didn't see that as an option with the heavy side of the house. Now days, they can read this web site or immediately text their friends and CAF and MAF units to find out whats up, and whats up is the CAF dudes are complaining loudly, not sure about the MAF. My point about flying hours is the new heavy pups getting hours that are not PIC don't necessarily help them get airline jobs, I'm sure it doesn't hurt though. You did clarify upgrades and PIC time, in heavies, to me. The fighter guys have gotten a .3 or .2 per sortie addition to their hours on airlineapps, that can push a dude over the hump early I would think.
  19. No, ever heard or PIC? All hours are not the same. 100% of fighter hours are PIC from nearly the start. I would think AFRC fighter hours would get you passed 1500 quicker.
  20. It's been 11-12 years!
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