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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Not really, cameras are really frowned upon in cockpits. A lot of leadership thinks if you have time to make videos, you have time for work. I really liked the F-14 last cruise video, the 10 ship up initial is quite impressive.
  2. I saw someone watching the dam buster reenactment at work yesterday...........curious.
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/www.foxnews.com/us/2017/03/17/air-force-colonel-sentenced-for-child-porn-mishandling-classified-documents.amp.html Allow me to quote myself, still what is wrong.
  4. With a mullet and your natty light.
  5. Then you don't get to speak.....dead man, missile back.
  6. Houses ain't cheap there and the property taxes are outrageous but there are lake houses.
  7. You just wanted to use "sammiches" in a sentence.
  8. It's called the BIT (Break in Training) program, you hang out in your UPT -38 squadron begging for rides. I saw guys hanging out for a year, kind of gets the whole career off on the wrong foot.
  9. It would look better coming from the WG/CC and apply to the whole wing, we are all in this together right?
  10. I'm throwing darts due to an OPR experience, if you haven't checked into new unit, the old one. You might get hosed
  11. Managed to take a swipe at Trump over 20 years ago, wonder what his politics are? Funny, the "eyes only" thing still goes on, last time I heard about it a few years ago, it was called the tiered officer concept, of which you were NEVER told what tier you were. There were 3 of them, top/middle/bottom, and there were qualifications but thats about all I knew. Funny what drunk O-6's will divulge.
  12. Go to the ANG and get promoted, don't stick around to 20 as a captain.
  13. Nope, we had an AGR (on the bonus) apply to something out of state, TAG told him good luck and released him, no repercussions. He didn't get the job in the end and just remained an AGR here.
  14. I had the F'ing airplane depressurize at 30K because the student pulled the throttle to idle, very uncomfortable. And they wanted it in space!!!
  15. Oh I'm ANG, but on the air side it's more of a handshake they can dismiss at a whim.
  16. Go get tested, you are messing with your life.
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