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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Yeah! Let's make fun of WSO's! Or CSOs or NAVS! What are we calling them nowadays?
  2. Throw some MK84s in the mix and now we are leveling entire city blocks.
  3. I thought we had calmed it down?!? They each teach different skill sets for their prospective follow ons, end of story. You should see the mil vs civilian dick measuring contests at the airlines, a lot of the same.
  4. You can't even intercept a passenger airline.
  5. Somebody once, on this site touted this airplane for air defense, I'm to lazy to use the search function so we will just blame NS due to his man crush on this airplane. .75, really? Defend the nation against 172's cause that's all you are chasing down. Hell, I think event the piggy 737 does .82. Not an air defense platform, Therefore probably not a good ANG platform. Strike 1 or 2 depending how you look at it.
  6. Did they ever get that ugly thing over .72M? Not that I could find, I'll say it again, it isn't happening.
  7. Don't go with too many people, the island might tip over into the ocean.
  8. Quite literally different pots of money (even title10), I think you're going to get screwed. Not sure if yours is, but our alert is title 32 until the klaxon goes off then magically they switch us over.
  9. Lemme guess, part time UPS so you can get an employee number.
  10. WOW! My job was to get my PPL (17 years ago), for 6 months, all at Travis AFB. It was great! I think I worked 2 hours every other day.
  11. And he is 100% correct. Screw DLF by the way, five years of my life I'll never get back. We were probably there together 2020.
  12. He has great stories but is kind of a dick.
  13. White jets were not a break. It was more of the same coming from the CAF.
  14. By my math you have 3-4 years to worry about that and the landscape will change completely. So.....huh?
  15. Good, I was beginning to wonder what happens when you go TDY where there is no base.
  16. I thought we established your brain doesn't work?
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