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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. I've seen this fall apart more than work, don't buy crap
  2. You don't think that is part of the plan?
  3. It's an airplane without a mission, or at least looking for one. My spidey senses say it should just go away before another dollar is spent on it.
  4. It looks like something a third world country would build.
  5. What he said, and if you're on orders for more than 30 days before you get hurt they CANNOT take you off orders.
  6. And they ain't guard, if that's what you are alluding to. They will PCS in 2.5 years.
  7. Maybe Russia hacked Podesta, somebody also tried to hack the RNC and they called the FBI to investigate months and months before the election. The FBI concluded the hack attempt was real but they didn't get anything. Calling on Russia is dangerous buisiness, even Assange said it wasn't the Russians but an inside source at the DNC. All this is just a play to make Trump weaker, which won't work, the old rules are gone. http://dailycaller.com/2016/12/16/report-russia-tried-to-hack-the-rnc-they-just-had-way-better-cybersecurity-video/
  8. Never mind Obama sent a bunch of people to Israel to help BB lose an election with our tax dollars, which he didn't. And funny, the liberal says we can't go back 25 years to point out liberal hypocrisy.
  9. Liberals and the Demo party was all about Russia in the 80's, what changed? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2006/oct/27/20061027-084248-4386r/ http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/07/remember_when_ted_kennedy_asked_the_soviets_for_help_defeating_reagan.html http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/book_teddy_kennedy_plotted_with_soviets_to_oust_reagan/ Fuck the Russians, this (D) strategy is just that and nothing more. Reagan: "Weakened spiritually, morally and economically".....sounds like a Democrat rallying cry.
  10. 2 airframes Slow day at the retirement village?
  11. Exactly my thoughts, I didn't think I was dumb, EE degree, fighter pilot, LtCol, and words I've never heard, and now I'm ignit
  12. F-Me, I got an average of 32 on the ACT and I didn't know that word.
  13. Good way to lose your boot, but we have a thread for that.
  14. I was fine in the ANG, promoted and pinned on a waiver, and I'm sure its the same reg.
  15. It's really cool when they strike too.
  16. It's good to read about positive leadership. He was the OG at Randolph when I went through PIT, seemed to be a good dude. Our next big one is going to be cyber intensive, if it already isnt
  17. It does, I taught in both, but I think a T-38 grad could handle it.
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