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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Just happened at Shaw, haven't heard how they are dealing yet
  2. I successfully argued a FAIP out of a Buff and into a Viper while a FLT/CC. I unsuccessfully argued a FAIP out of a Viper into a Buff. Rack and stacks are great and all, but they can be ignored.
  3. I've given the advice you received, and it has been ignored on countless occasions. However, I have come to learn never ignore your own wants and desires, though things may not work out in your favor.
  4. The person with 4 years experience, in general.
  5. Let's not forget that FAIPs aren't owed anything, I've seen that attitude in the past as well
  6. Talk to the superFAIPS from the mid 90's, that was a screw job.
  7. I forgot, I do apologize. Slap SongTon Sally on the ass for me
  8. Do you have a Chief of Safety job or a IG job lined up? If not, have fun non flying in the Stan or an MC-12. I personally think you are F'd, but the TX will be fun. but in the back of your mind, you already know this.
  9. You never flown an American fighter, at least in the front seat, try again.
  10. Naaa, that would imply they can get in.
  11. Sorry fellas, we don't want or need people with any mood/depression/anxiety/polar/mental issues, it isn't the place. Go find something else, it isn't for everyone.
  12. Whatevs, you can kill your date in a river but still win if your name is Kennedy.
  13. Even back to pilot training class, yes, I've seen it go that far.
  14. I'm sure the blue talking point will be somewhere along the line of, "We need good dudes in every community." This is true, but if he was such a good dude, there is a skeleton there somewhere not many know about, thats usually how it works.
  15. You are in pilot training, they have pubs there for you. Nothing above the abs if you are serious, jogging mixed with sprints, your G tolerance will go down as you work on it due to beating up the muscles. Stay hydrated, sleep good, save the coffee and cigs until you get good at AGSM and breathing. There is the summary.
  16. They have a former Navy guy, hope he made a good impression. Joking aside, its a great unit, and in reality, a pretty good location.
  17. Yes, but they might require to be back earlier than you expect. i.e. No return home flights at 11:00PM the night before work the next day, they will disapprove your leave if you do this, take driving from the airport into account as well.
  18. I know a fighter guy that just got 6 months off.
  19. CV-22 out of MQ-1's was somebody I know personally.
  20. Grooming the next crop, to do and think exactly the same.
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