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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. He F'd it up, DRESH std, like cracking open a centerline tank on landing.
  2. No really, the product was below average (generally) once in the USAF system. Don't get me wrong, good dudes and all but we aren't the Navy.
  3. OH no, there is no standard. There will be 11F dudes that excel no matter what, what they are looking for is the ALFA fodder, the best will "lead" the CAF.
  4. Wouldn't do that a whole lot of good in a fighter, mid to senior Captain showing up in a fighter unit with 0 experience is not where you want to be.
  5. About what I thought, good on you for being your own country, you should celebrate like its 4 July, oh wait...
  6. Asshat that still works.
  7. Some of the worst T-38 IPs I saw were 38 grads to heavies back to 38 instructor, that would be unfortunate. They have no pointy nose tactical credibility. And as I write this, I realize they may not have to, if 38 grads are still going heavies. I just know how I looked at them as a student, fair or not, I gravitated to the IPs that did what I wanted to do.
  8. Yeah, where is your opinion on that?
  9. Get to the end of your pilot training commitment, you can sign a bonus or get out. There used to be stipulations that would totally screw prior E's or prior O's, not sure if that still exists. Hopefully those do not exist anymore, but they might.
  10. What is wrong? This.... http://www.wltx.com/mb/news/crime/shaw-air-force-colonel-charged-with-child-pornography/275993006 not even sure this is the right place to post, Shaw bubbas, words?
  11. Anyone in Turkey? http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/07/15/attempted-military-coup-underway-in-turkey.html
  12. What if he wants a backseat F-15E ride?
  13. We had dudes fly in UAE for an American company, flying American (built) airplanes, paying American taxes on their income. They were not allowed to be in the ANG.
  14. Just your mom's house. I say we pass BQZips mom's torch to Scoobs.
  15. Mine was just a re-up, submitted over 6 months ago, still not showing current on vMPF.
  16. Yes it can, especially in a military status (non-ART). You could go whole hog and get a Line of Duty (LOD) determination for said injury/illness and tricare will take care of you forever in reference to said problem, but it could trigger a MEB. If your flight docs are cool (generally are in the ANG) then report it, get it into your record. I'm going to put together a brief on all of this crap once my retirement status is complete, still don't know where my path will lead.
  17. Please move this to a forum it belongs in, I'm thinking SNAP whining.
  18. Funny you should say that, we had that problem last drill. Person had changed, ID card had changed (name) but the piss test list hadn't. After hanging on the phone with the JAG, I think they made said person pee with a BBG (I just made that up, biological birth gender) person.
  19. Or an O-6, who hasn't flown in years, and sucked when he retired anyway. Lets be honest, most O-6's are lucky to find the gear handle.
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