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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. I've heard there is a waterfall.
  2. The ANG RPA's get AGRs, they probably consider that a bonus. We are and have tried the flying RPA thing in AZ but it got shot down for now, I bet it will happen in the future. The idea being you are a F-16 RTU instructor and 3-4 days a month you fly a RPA cap, don't think its that bad of a deal, especially for ARTs or DSG (TRs) getting thrown some extra money/days at them. Either way, I think it will happen here first, 3 squadrons of F-16s and a pred squadron all in one Wing, the writing is on the wall.
  3. How is the EU supposed to pass around Britians money if they leave?
  4. We want to hire you as an O-6, but first..... 2.5 years of PME, 1 year Masters and a frontal lobotomy. Yeah, that'll go over well.
  5. Anyone seen Steve Davies lately? He might have a take.
  6. What he said. However, your Med group can help out, they have the contacts at higher levels. Get your hiring dude (AFRC right?) to call the Med group and see what they can do.
  7. See http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Scoobs
  8. No, its because you don't answer any questions. Watch this bb17, Scoobs, go with quals.
  9. Years ago there was written guidance, 1 tour then a manned aircraft. Desired airframe is a stretch, none of the -38 guys I knew went to fighters. And let's be honest, it isn't the top of the class going to Creech, the AF knows that.
  10. 8 years ago, 36 (Harrumph) was a pretty normal class size.
  11. We also train to low ops much less than we used to. But that doesn't help you, sounds like a task for a safety guy.
  12. looks like the chief group meeting is in full swing, patches and sleeves.
  13. Mark Graziano Mike Dodson Frank Bryant Tammy Archuleta These I knew......
  14. Did you learn that at APC.net or is that how it works on your Microsoft Flight sim? That would be the worst airline to work for ever, I know plenty of United and Delta guys that fly one, 4 hour leg a day, and get paid for five.
  15. Is it his son on the Thunderchickens?
  16. Screw AFPC, Tucson ANG is hiring full time, come on down! https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/434051000 Like flying 10+ times a month, like living in Europe for months on end, like visiting Asia, like teaching? This is the place for you, we do all of that.
  17. We have one that airline lawyers are calling about, he left a while ago, we will see.
  18. Did any other units get the email to figure out if you are 747/757/767/787 qualified? The AF is looking to the ANG for help on this.
  19. Earn comp so you can have enough leave to double dip if you sit during the week. Any non work day would be maximizing your pay without burning any leave but you could end up working a couple weeks straight which would be miserable.
  20. I've heard nothing good about Holloman, as far as I understand it, the unwritten rule is the porch sends non seven day opt eligible pilots. im glad Chang is back, he's honest even when we ridicule. The pentagon may not be worried, but I know the ANG is, but it is easier to leave.
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