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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Vipers should be receive only on this system.
  2. Holy Monday morning f'ing quarterback. 1.). If you are a USAF pilot and haven't flown an F prefix, read your post, and think carefully if it applies. 2.). If you are in pilot training, just punch yourself in the balls and go back to the correct forum, not this one. 3.) If you have never flown a USAF airplane, read your post, delete it, punch yourself in the balls, and realize we don't care, a few of your FARs are trumped by our -1's. (not that you know what that is). 4.). We don't know who is right or wrong in this situation, we will not know for about 30 days but will never share that info on this forum. The AIB and NTSB will come up with something and hopefully it is close to the SIB, but this forum will never know. Back to guessing who killed Kennedy.
  3. I'm pretty sure if you are eligible for AD you are good to go, however, the ANG hasn't sent a dude to TPS, yet.
  4. Same advertisement in F-Book Viper a driver page? Other outfits pay 40-50K more a year to live at Luke or Holloman, I would pass unless desperate or a high desire to live in those locations. Hawaii.....maybe.
  5. And a Viper zinger to boot. I think timeout is appropriate.
  6. No, in fact it's against some reg. And you are right, Whitman is out to lunch.
  7. The F-22 was junk for a while, hell, the F-16 was junk for a while. Give it time, it can't all be Ironman on day 1.
  8. http://inghro.state.id.us/hr/jobs/hro-jobs.htm A lot of the links may not work, click Technician or AGR for jobs. Several of them worked for me, these are posted openings. Worse comes to worse, google XXX ANG HRO where XXX=state name. Worked great a few years ago. Reserve jobs can be found through the AF portal.
  9. You may have to look into the 2008 rule, since you already on active duty, it may not count, if it does I will be pleasantly surprised. If you get 7200, you can retire and get into the check of the month club, if your unit doesn't require you to sign a waiver letter that you will not. The unit can also impose a sanctuary waiver, so in both cases you are out of luck. The days are out there, we have years and years of them. In fact, we've had guys give up the ART jobs just to go on days. The days can be easily fetched at the ANG bureau or staff jobs sprinkled throughout the country. This is all ANG based, AFRC might be different.
  10. Small window of opportunity. Sure some guys went back to a fighter, as a Major or Major select with 200 hours and as a wingman. Have fun as a non-vol to MC-12s, they were fodder.
  11. BS The fighter to RPA is very close to being a one way door.
  12. I'll bite, SADL is an Army radio built well before Link 16, it was available and the ANG decided to buy it due to the active duty waiting for more years for link 16. It works great, Link is a bit better by now, but it is still good. Bottom line, it is an ANG appropriation versus active duty.
  13. Not a good idea. Edit: sorry about my crappy edit, on iPad
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/03/17/sorry-but-atheism-is-religion.html Someone else wrote it for me.
  15. Wow I need to hurry up and get an engineering degree before the rest of my life becomes little more than mental masturbation on an interweb forum in blogospace.... Naa, I'm a E.E. and a fighter pilot, and it never gets better
  16. Chicken or the egg, will they retrain you?
  17. Look into 2 different LWOP, which exist. Use on for a while, then switch. The leave issue will not be resolved, but the retirement and health care issue should.
  18. For F-sake, yes, this could happen and I've seen it happen as a T-38 flight commander at a UPT base. It is rare, and sometimes it isn't fair and there is no justice. But.........the UPT Phase III SQ/CC's do horse trade, and when something special happens at an individual base, they are rewarded.
  19. Allow me to retort. Answer the question. Timmmmmmmmaaaaaayyyyy?!?
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