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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. What is your mil and/or aviation background?
  2. I knew at least 3 doctors that flew part time F-16s, so yeah, you could do it
  3. We did migration today, complete loss of email systems, terrible power point instructions. Most of us are still not up, but that isn't a bad thing.....
  4. Actually, I do. On another note, Welsh was at my base a few weeks ago and did mention online forums and their impact a couple of times.
  5. Still have to be able to fly the $100M airplane and and land it, fly formation and deal with EPs. I agree with you.
  6. I don't think that audio came from an F-4
  7. AFNET isnt totally done, once it is it will be easy, but for now...
  8. Generally rank versus qualification, a senior Capt wingman would be in a hurt locker for promotion/staff/school, if you are into that thing. Don't throw FAIPs back at me, they are JR Capts.
  9. For being an expert you are completely wrong. The 180 FW has 1 fighter squadron, not sure where you are getting your data. To your second point, AFE might get you "face time" but that doesn't get you the job, especially when you think you are already an expert, that will make you.......the butt of all jokes/the whipping boy/looked down upon/receiver of jobs all unholy. To your third point of knowing everything of how to become a pilot, fuggggg off. Apply to the unit you want, try your best, you know nothing. (Finish college then come back). Allow me to quote myself while I quote myself, from quite a while ago, "Go away, f-you." Well, it wasn't quite like that, but he's been trolling for a while and DFresh didn't catch it. Because in OCT 14, you said this..... Its stupid and ignorant to lock my thread because I asked a simple question. @ high speed, ###### you, u are full of shit!!! That same month you posted this..... Hi, can you become an Air National Guard fighter pilot with a degree in aviation? Would they rather take someone with a worthless aviation degree or an Aerospace engineering degree? I think I could continue, but F-OFF.
  10. Worn out, tired heros that I can tip my hat to. Never have so few, seen so much, and we wonder why they leave for Home Depot jobs.
  11. The whole state is a bit strange, but there are pockets of absolute weirdness like Irvine. There are also some great places, if you like paying high taxes.
  12. Good points on this thread. Rhino has some good points as well, his methods are a bit too blunt.
  13. Is hat one of the grounded ones AZ?
  14. I dunno, kinda does something for me
  15. Dude, your question is unique and strange, like my last girlfriend. Commission through ROTC but looking to ANG, alright, I have heard of that. You need to contact units directly, every unit is different, don't get discouraged when one unit says no. The state HRO websites sometimes have the hiring guy on them, call that guy, tell them your plight. Use your google-fu to figure out who to call, it isn't that hard.
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