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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. The difference is the T-38 wing fell off by itself.
  2. You need more than a radar reflector, the bad guys shoot back.
  3. Leaders aren't supposed to keep their heads down.
  4. I don't know if I should throw up or applaud you. Most "senior" leaders think they can do well at the tactical level, but eventually they fly so little, they cannot, and do not know it. HOWEVER, if the right guy gets into the exec/leadership role and understands they need less priority missions due to proficiency, the unit will be better off as a whole.
  5. How bout the multiple tracking sites? Ghostery is your friend.
  6. Go to the ANG if you want to be the fly the line officer type. I mean this in a good way, we need you.
  7. Gotta love him, I know his heart is in the right place. Could you imagine what he has to deal with? We bitch enough here, who can he bitch to?
  8. I have lots of second hand, to start, must be title 10 retired to make it happen. (Not 32), the days you work you get military pay but not retirement, I've heard its a double in pay for those days.
  9. Generals are political puppets, at least for the most part. I wish Welsh would throw down what he thinks, has he? If he has I missed it. And if Boomer reads this thread, what up!!?
  10. Get gained the next day, no break in service. When they have orders available is dependent on each unit.
  11. Mr Fresh, I wouldn't post a wing plans job. It is a F-16 instructor pilot.
  12. We have 1 tech and a UPT opportunity, can't find the UPT announcement though.
  13. Dudes, I can't prove it right now but Tucson didn't have this board. Apps are due around the 15th of Jan, wish I could provide more. Somebody with better GoogleFu could help me out. I'll post truth data tomorrow
  14. That's a great point, 60 year retirement collection is next.
  15. Wow, is this a better deal than employees hired before that?
  16. I have defended DR before, but I keep an open mind. The credit card stuff looks good, and I do dabble in some rewards programs. I think his point is, eventually, you will pay interest, and the they win. Probably not this group though, just the rest of the USA. I second the 0% interest thing, you paid for it somewhere, I would think usually in overall cost.
  17. Merry Xmas to all the passed over, getting out, hating active duty, on a shitty deployment, enduring a crappy assignment, going through a divorce, and general malaise. It could be worse......
  18. I've seen it, you don't want it digital.
  19. In other news the first Bonanaza crashed without a doctor on board.
  20. I got mine in 2011, it was followed by a letter saying, "oops", pay your taxes in a few months.
  21. I got paid about a week after my DOS, and they didn't take the taxes out. Save about 30% of it.
  22. Good luck in T-38's, I've seen good and bad outcomes putting FWQ guys through. Some do great, some cannot think past 50 knots.
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