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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. SERE should be required due to launch and recovery in country. RPA to UPT? Not so much.
  2. You are talking about Hill, I have heard it as well. The reserves already have the part timers bonus, the guard is just around the corner, or so we are told. Time to get back in the saddle Beaver!
  3. Thanks for the update on what you are doing.
  4. Is this where I insert the -135s need to turn off that damn observation light while tanking. The -135 will not see an avoid a fighter, or am I starting a new/old arguement.
  5. Cassidy and Martha will win, overall call it a win for the military and fiscal conservatives.
  6. I'll bite cause your google foo seems to be broken, or your search function, which leads me to your willingness or ability. Google (State) ANG HRO, there, I led you to the water. AFRC proper is a bit different, still, go to the 2 websites, Homestead and Ft. Worth. For example, this took me 3.6 minutes to find: http://www.144fw.ang.af.mil/resources/pilotboards/index.asp You were late already.
  7. You read the NYT? Why even try to debate?
  8. You might be barkin up the wrong tree here brother, though I could be wrong. Try airlinepilotforums.com maybe, not sure if there is an ATC forum but I bet there is.
  9. Read-didn't get T-38s, still butt hurt. Also, cannot read between the lines.
  10. She will win, hopefully pass a bunch of legislation that BO will veto, the we will see who the party of "No" is.
  11. MF, you cannot game it, we would switch with other bases all the time. Save the retard for an actual assignment cycle.
  12. Let it be known, let it be said. TDR for "wannabeUSAFpilotIthink" GPIG, love the MWS.
  13. http://www.kansas.com/news/local/article3159084.html Everyone OK!
  14. Well that escalated quickly. And if I'm wrong?
  15. You all need to calm the fuck down. USAFPilot, No. JustAnotherCadet, you were OK until you backtracked, let it be a lesson.
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