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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Put the razor wire up, make it look like N/S Korea border. Adopt Mexicos immigration policy as our own. Cheaper, better, quicker, effective. Anything else is trying to get votes from Obamabots. Or at best a Republican idiots trying to be Democrats thinking they will get anything close to an immigrant Mexican vote. Done, anything else out of Mark1 will be about "feelings" in regard to this post versus fact. And comprehensive is a word that needs to die, it's another word for total power grab. Edit: To throw another jab at, well, you know who. And dudes, don't touch the german angle, you are getting trolled
  2. I guess I have to vote for her, what are my alternatives?
  3. We all know better, where is Joe1234 to defend the invasion?
  4. Iraq falls apart, Iran finally invades to stop ISIS, oil goes to 175 a barrel and the airlines furlough. What am I missing?
  5. AFI 11-402, start there. Mostly FEB stuff be can get you pointed in the correct direction. Make sure you get the integrated SUP.
  6. And then the satellites go down, or get jammed (LoneStar!!), or go lost link, or whatever. F-86 with guns is where we are probably going.
  7. It's where they think their opinions matter. Now back to the shenanigans.
  8. AETC all call next week for SQ/CCs, last minute, mandatory.....and go
  9. Nope, they will be paying for full ATPs soon
  10. It's better than the last, whattya want?
  11. Rota, Spain...a little restaurant called Pappions, a bit of a drive Azores, restaurant called Pescadores, get the shrimp cataplana Go to Yoshi's at Kadena Anything on Sicily
  12. Booze of any kind is now banned in the AZANG with limited exceptions on any facility. Wow.
  13. Let's adopt Mexicos immigration policy, discuss that. And we shouldn't kill anyone BTW.
  14. Thanks again Liquid, nailed it at even at the FGO level.
  15. Dump the bum, contact vivid entertainment, enjoy glamor and money for the next 5 years. Here is your link. http://members.vividcammodels.com/join/
  16. BS, if your CC is worth his weight in gold, he would help you.
  17. Pull your junk out and wave it around like you just don't care. Lock it MF.
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