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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Come on Brecky, 15% of what? Full AB time or loiter time. I can fly a single bag Viper for over 2.5 if I wanted, 15% would be huge.
  2. 09-15 was one of my classes, I only gave them their grade book. The ANG low balling is a shame, too bad. I never did it.
  3. Don't go to DLF.....ever....
  4. You don't or shouldn't know your flight commander ranking. I'm guessing it's pure speciation on everyone's part.
  5. Your guys links blow
  6. I've been in both, pluses and minuses to both. A lot stronger "band of brothers" in active duty, miss it a bit, see it on squadron TDYs sometimes. There is more opportunity in the ANG to venture outside the military but still stick around, more family time, more leaving the job at home. There is queep, just like AD, so don't think you are leaving that. Sqwatch had it right from the AD standpoint. As for flying, I think the ANG is mostly better, more flying and continuity, I average more than 10 a month in a Viper unit. However, the silverbacks can drag you down.
  7. Flight Safety: Ground safety, it's all yours. Ground Safety: they were on their way to get wings attached and then fly to the company, intent for flight was obvious, it's all yours sir.
  8. Has she been anywhere longer than two years?
  9. You and your facts. Here's what I know. I fly Vipers: Pratts suck GE rocks Fini
  10. The Block 50 F-16 wasn't designed to super cruise but it will do it. I think GE is ready to pounce, have multiple engines isn't a problem at all. Post block 30 F-16 had common engine bays, would accept either engine. I bet the GE engine has a non lift fan compromised model as well, that would fix the power problem right there.
  11. 2016 is the new rumor in ANG land, which if you look at the airline retirements, makes sense.
  12. It doesn't matter between bases, you are racked within your class, so if you all have the same check IPs it doesn't matter. Plus, with PCSs this years hookie monster check flight is next years Santa Clause. Get over it and do your best......F'ing snaps.
  13. It's how they judge you on looks without saying it. My former Chief of Safety was a Generals whipping boy and he was at a corona when they all decided about blues Monday, it wasn't about heritage, it was about getting eyes on "bigger" people, they decided ABUs can hide a lot.
  14. Could happen on any Ps curve, you are forgetting about the vertical though. That being said, I've heard its a pig, still waiting on the GE fix, much like the block 40 F-16. They came to the rescue once before.
  15. They did it at Laughlin 4+ years ago! called them a fire hazard. A lot of the willie tiles are at the Dayton F-16 sims.
  16. Buy it for your loved ones, they dig it, get over it.
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