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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. It's working. Just like we left Japan and Germany after WWII, oh wait, we didn't.
  2. Oh we could do it, but it would take some resolve NOT to listen to the doubters.
  3. I did it once half asleep and thought I was at the gate, they laughed and waved me through. Just be cool, they are doing there job and realize they probably don't want to be there either, they would probably rather be running through the wilderness looking for illegals.
  4. A-10 funding not in draft. http://www.arizonadailyindependent.com/2014/05/30/barber-caught-off-a-10-guard/
  5. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to be "captured" and trade yourself home for your friends. It might be a but tinfoil hat, I hope I'm wrong and he is happy to be home.
  6. Anybody see what his dad tweeted out?
  7. Go to Law school, start a TV show. But really, if you are young enough there is a program for that, I looked into it years ago.
  8. How bouts common sense and wisdom.
  9. VSP is funny, I got the entire check without them taking out taxes, 2 weeks later my parents (home of record) got a letter saying I will owe 28K+ in taxes the next April. A few months of interest was nice. I did 10K (max at the time) in traditional IRA, oh yeah, no ROTH that year, 6K in debt, saved some and a very nice down payment on a house. FWIW, that's what I did..
  10. The interwebs stalking is strong with this one
  11. Which is why Dropbox is a terrible idea, I warned you. I'd treat him like a LT, cause he doesn't know crap about our world.
  12. I thought about posting that, you did, and you are Navy......hmmm.....
  13. We heard the part time bonus rumors this weekend at drill as well. FY15.
  14. There was a few lifetime movies about this.
  15. FYI, you will see a DOS in VMPF before you get the email
  16. Love ya brother but oh the places I could go with this....
  17. matmacwc

    Gun Talk

    What state are you in Brick? Open carry is pretty much a non event in AZ.
  18. I've heard the senior enlisted dude also has some funny pay going on as well, it isn't what is listed on any standard pay chart. Anyone?
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