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Everything posted by ViperDriver114

  1. tar_heel Obviously, I am a little late on the response, but I hope you decided to apply anyway. As the other two dudes said, make a unit tell you no. I have a vision waiver and wear contacts when I fly, along with a good number of pilots in our squadron. Never take yourself out of contention. Hope you ended up applying. if not I'm sure we'll have another board next year if you don't get picked up by then. LAPS
  2. I'm sure it's been spread around this site already but, The 114th Fighter Wing is accepting UPT applications for our board in May. The application deadline however is 31 March so if you have apps ready or almost ready please see details at the following website. https://www.114fw.ang.af.mil/about-us/careers/ Good Luck
  3. Question about living situation at Laughlin. I start UPT in July, unaccompanied, whats the better option, a duplex or the dorms? Any opinion is appreciated!
  4. I was 13-03 and we had someone not pass the 1st test, they did not get sent home, but you MUST pass the last test. We didn't have anyone fail the last PT test.
  5. I was supposed to go to IFS in April, I just got an email a few days ago saying that I was cancelled, and that anyone with a PPL would not be going to IFS
  6. Im not saying that you should go in there guns blazing divulge anything and everything without being asked and not use caution. I am just saying that IF they FIND something, they will do whatever they can to get you to pass. Maybe my group caught them on a good week, or maybe I just got lucky, but that was my experience. God I can't wait to wear some BCGs at UPT haha
  7. 20/100 isn't as bad as it sounds (it was actually like 20/70 in one eye and 20/100 in the other)...but yeah, can't wait to fly with those BCG's
  8. Dude, I just got back from my FC1. I love this forum and the people are incredible, and give great information and advice. But, reading through here makes the physical seem A LOT more doom and gloom than it really is. The people at the USAFSAM are awesome! If they find an issue, they do EVERYTHING in their power to pass you, they want you to get through. They know and take to heart that 99% of the people at the FC1 are there because they have been offered their dream job. They HATE DQing people! One person told me the last 4 people they had to DQ brought them to tears. Don't make yourself more nervous than you should. I actually had a really good time at the Physical even after failing my depth perception test the first time and having worse eyes than I thought (eye doc let me take all the time I needed to pass the depth perception, and got me a waiver for my eyes (20/100). If you are patient and are nice to the people there it will be over before you know it and you will be on your way. Not one of the 29 people in my group failed.
  9. Im the anxious type too and hated waiting. I actually was sworn in before my package was sent into the Bureau. I think it took about a month and a half for my packet to go through, it all depends on how fast they feel like moving. Sometimes it takes more, and sometimes it takes less. I got all my dates in one shot when my package went through. That varies though, some people get them all at the same time, others get the FC1 dates before others, some get AMS but not UPT, everyone I have talked to has had a different experience. I guess its pretty rare to get all your dates at once though. Because usually they have to do some searching to put you in classes. I've learned very quickly that while there might be a "standard" way of doing things in the AF, it never seems like it's done that way. Hope that helps
  10. The two vials (it ended up only being one) were not associated with my FC1, they were for a test from my primary care physician. Just didn't want to show up at WP and have them turn me away because I had blood drawn the week prior. Thanks for the quick response guys.
  11. Question for a doc. I am heading to WP next week for my FC1. I am supposed to get blood drawn today for a test (2 vials, i think). Will having blood drawn today have an effect on my blood draws next week?
  12. Cool guys, thanks for the info. I had no idea they had changed the test. So will the CCT test be the only one they give me or will they also give the PIP test as well? I did take a look at JakeFSU's link (not as a test but just as what it looks like), I noticed the standards on the side. Does that mean that it is a little more "lenient" than the PIP test which was pass/fail?
  13. Just wondering what type test they use at the FC1? Is it the same circles w/ numbers that we usually see or do they have some other means of initial testing? I have heard that the test at FC1 is "harder" than other tests you may have taken in the past, is this true? How can they be harder? Do they just make the numbers really hard to see?
  14. Went to a doc this morning. She said it was either a very minor hernia or maybe even just a strain or tear in the ab muscle. She said the protrusion would be a lot larger and lower, down into the testicle region if it were anything that required surgery. She likened it to the same kind of hernia's that alot of women get when they give birth (spare me the birth jokes). She said to not workout and rest for a week and it should heal itself, but if it gets worse to come back in.
  15. Looking for some info from a flight doc. Talk about bad timing. I think I may have a hernia, the discomfort started a couple days ago on my lower abdomen, then tonight I noticed a lump (it looks like the right side of my ab that runs diagonally down towards the groin is raised more than the other) along with some gastrointestinal discomfort. I am going to get it checked out tomorrow. So here is the bad timing part, I have my FC1 coming up at the end of November (exactly one month from today). I know that a hernia is not a DQ once its fixed. My question is, lets say it IS a hernia and I have to have it fixed. What does this do for my FC1? Will they push back my FC1? Will they let me do the rest of the exam but wait for post op exams to clear me? I am starting AMS at the end of January, I am assuming it wont effect that date but I just want to know some experienced advice. Thanks in advance guys
  16. Guard F-16 (don't have IFF and FTU dates yet) Interviewed/Hired - April 2012 Sworn In - August 2012 FC1 - Nov 2012 AMS - Jan. 2013 IFS - April 2013 SERE - June 2013 (not 100% yet, but proposed date) UPT - July 2013 UPT grad date - August 2014
  17. Random question, I am a pilot select. I have my uniforms but obviously no rank until after I go to AMS. The last UTA I went to I just wore business casual. I am sworn in, have an ID and everything. Can/Should I wear a uniform to UTA before I go to AMS?
  18. Are we allowed to bring compression shorts to wear under your PT shorts? If so, do they need to be displayed in your room? I thought I had seen this answered somewhere on here before, but a search turned up nothing.
  19. Anybody assigned to 27 Jan class? 13-03 I think
  20. This whole supposed new IFS reg is confusing me because I am a Commercial Multi-Engine rated pilot and I am still going to IFS (March), so what is the deal? Are other licensed pilots getting out of IFS? SemperSickEm, You should absolutely get your PPL. Any flying you can do is good. You will learn that in reality, flying is flying, an airplane is an airplane, so any time is good time. I have not been to IFS yet, but anything you can learn will make IFS that much easier. Don't just go in saying, "well if I get it, then ok, if I dont, then whatever" Having been through my fair share of checkrides and flight training (civilian)...I can tell you that it is ALWAYS better to be over prepared than under prepared. You will hate yourself if you washout of IFS and all you can think is "wow, if only I had more practice at those steep turns (or whatever). A couple grand is not worth your potential career. On that note, it should not cost you 5K to get your PPL. Just fly a cessna 150 or something similar, small, cheap and easy to fly. If you study and progress, it should only take 2 or 3K to have the card in your wallet.
  21. This site is largely responsible for helping me get my fighter slot and I will use it all the way through training. Talk about making a difference. Think of the amount of guys/girls that have used this site to help them achieve their dream! What a man, forever in debt! R.I.P and Blue Skies!
  22. What kind of questions can I (and my references) expect in my character interview? Interview will be sometime before 18 Sept.
  23. Interviewed with the 114th FW in April 2012. (Its a little late, but I forgot that I did this little write up till now) Showed up at about 0840. They welcomed me at the door and walked me to the interview room. Three pilots on the board. They thought I was at 1000 so I kind of caught them off guard. Sat down at the table, very relaxed atmosphere. They did a good job at calming me down (I was freaking out on the inside before hand). Started with asking me if I had been through a board before, I said no so they told me how the interview was going to go. The first question was the standard "Tell us a little about yourself". How do I feel about using the F-16 to kill someone. Asked about a time when I found myself in a difficult situation and how I dealt with it. I used a time when I took off from Santa Fe and found myself in clouds, at night, over mountains, ice forming on my 172. Then they asked what I learned from that situation. Asked about my grades (They sucked..i mean really sucked for my first half of college)and what happened. I talked about how I grew up and made a huge turnaround and started making deans list (with the exception of calculus, they got a laugh out of that). They joked about how could I possibly not have a single infraction on my driving/criminal record. I told them I though I had gotten a ticket for an accident a long time ago, but I think they go away after a while. I have been a competitive swimmer my whole life, and was training for the 2012 Olympic Trials so they asked me a few questions about that and what my schedule would be like if I made the team (I had to explain that I had ZERO chance of making the team). We talked about swimming for a few minutes and that was pretty much it. They asked if I had any questions, any real questions, not the one or two that most people write down just so they can say they have a them, DON'T DO THAT. I said I didn't have any (A current AGR pilot made me throw away my piece of paper with my two or three questions the day before the interview). I thanked them for giving me this incredible opportunity, told them "I really want this job" (yes, I actually said it) and thanked them again. Shook hands and was on my way. One of the pilots walked out with me and we talked a little more (he went to school in the same town that I fly skydivers). After that, I got a hold of a crew chief that I knew and he let me tag along with him for the day. Got to watch launches and recoveries, they had two fini flights that day too, ate lunch with everyone and went to the retirement party for the fini flight guys. Got to meet and talk to a lot of the pilots. I must have done something right because I got a phone call around 1700 the next day saying that I had been selected!!! I am living proof that you don't need to be a 4.0 student, or have some incredible resume to get selected. Be Confident, but be yourself. You are going to be flying with these dudes for the next 20 years, so why try to be someone you're not. If you don't fit in, then move on to the next unit. Study for your interview! Have an idea of how you would answer various questions but don't have them scripted out. Be yourself and stick around. Meet everyone you possibly can (Officers and Enlisted, remember the enlisted guys are the ones making sure your jet is safe)and get a feel for the unit (you have to like it if you want to work there). Don't turn down any invitation and don't be afraid to look stupid, one guy joked with me when I fist walked in "We're not buying whatever you're selling". You are standing out in a good way. The more I was there, the more I wanted the job. I am still in shock that they want me to fly an F-16.
  24. Ok, So I got hired by a Viper Unit for FY13 (my Officer/UPT packet should be on its way to DC next week after I swear in on the 16th), I already am Commercial Multi/Instrument rated. So I assume this means I can expect to not get an IFS date from the Bureau? My burning question is, Does this mean in Phase 2 of UPT (beginning of T-6's) will they teach the "military" only type things they teach at IFS? Like military traffic patterns and radio calls etc.? I could be completely wrong, they may already teach that stuff at UPT and not at IFS, not sure, but the only stupid question is the one that you don't ask right?
  25. Hey guys, I'm sure this is not a big deal, but I thought Id ask anyway. I am just about to fill out and send in the SF-86 for my clearance. As my luck would have it, I got my first speeding ticket last friday (Taking the STOP class on 8 Sep.) on our way back from flying at my buddy's farm. Like I said, I am sure having one speeding ticket is NOT going to be an issue, I just wonder if it being so recent will raise any flags for the investigators? I assume it shouldn't make a difference but you never know with the fed, so I wanted to throw it out there. Thanks
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