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  1. Anyone in on the November board? It is a little frustrating trying to get confirmation from my recruiter that all of my packet is officially in, as I haven't heard anything from him in 6 days or so. Apparently all AF reserve recruiters are at a conference where they are not allowed to check emails or answer phone calls......awesome timing.
  2. Does anyone have any info on the number of people who applied vs. the number of people who were accepted?
  3. Thanks to advice I found on here and elsewhere, I think I have my situation resolved. Apparently for a civilian coming off the street and going through the process trying to a FC1 at Wright-Patt, everything done in MEPS is supposed to be a one-time screening process and is supposedly non-waiverable. However, in my case, I went to a civilian optometrist and found out that I needed a pair of glasses because I am farsighted in one eye and have astygmatism in the other. Due to the fact that I needed glasses and was unaware of this when I went through MEPS, that warranted getting my eyes re-tested. So I went to my sponsoring unit's base, and got retested for everything and passed the DP test with a perfect score. I am so grateful to the advice I got on here, not only in regards to a possible appeal process, but also on how to take the test effectively. The first time I took it at MEPS, I assumed it would be a cake-walk, so I went through it really quickly, and did not take my time and try the focusing techniques mentioned on here. Once again, thanks for all the advice and suggestions, baseops forums are an awesome resource for people trying to get to UPT.
  4. I am in a tough situation and would really appreciate any and all advice that I can get, so thank you in advance for taking the time to read this post. I got sponsored by a reserve unit for the June board this year. Went through MEPS, and submitted my paperwork requesting my FC1. My recruiter came back and said that I failed depth perception, got a "PASS C", and that I am DQ'ed, that there is no waiver, and that I am done and cannot be a pilot. I find this very hard to accept as I have devoted everything in the past few years to achieving this goal. Luckily my sponsoring unit has not dropped me, and they are asking around to see if there are any solutions. I have tried looking on the forums for an answer to this but can't find one. So my question is this, is there any way to get re-tested for depth perception? I understand that it is not waiverable if I truly do have a DP issue, but if I could get re-tested and achieve passing results, then what would happen? I am going to see a civilian optometrist as soon as possible, just to have my own answers and to see if I do have a DP issue or not. Once again, thanks for your time in helping to shed some advice on this for me, I appreciate it.
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