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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. I don't see anything about that particular ejection that the "old" T-38 seat would have had problems with.
  2. Everybody has to add "special operations" to their job description to make themselves feel like a real warrior, right?
  3. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    FWIW, the mechanism that makes BLO a wood protectant is that it polymerizes and hardens as it dries. That polymerization is actually accelerated by heating it up -- if the microwave treatment was to increase its penetration into the wood, it is actually a little counterproductive. Cutting the BLO with something like mineral spirits gets the overall mixture thinner, and will thus go deeper into the pores/grain on the initial applications. The mineral spirits will evaporate while the BLO can still flow, so it will smooth out into a light coat that fills deeper than just straight BLO will.
  4. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    How many coats of BLO did you put on? I usually put 4 or 5 coats of a 50/50 BLO and mineral spirits mix, with a 30-minute post-application wipedown with a rag and 24 hours of drying between coats. I also reapply coats every couple years, which keeps the finish looking better and better over time. The more coats you can apply (with proper dry time between), the better the oil finish will look. FWIW, if that's only one coat on that Mosin, I'd recommend slowly applying several more light coats, one every couple days with full drying in between. I also occasionally use raw linseed oil (flax oil) depending on the stock and how the oil soaks in to it during the application process.
  5. Dear SARC at my base: At your next presentation to the Wing, are you going to have a PowerPoint slide to retract the previous slide you showed during the SARC Stand-down in which you drug this officer's name through the mud as a sex offender? How are you planning on wording your apology for jumping to conclusions without all of the information, and slandering this officer to 100s of personnel, including enlisted Airmen? http://www.sfgate.co...cer-4671899.php Yet again, guilty until proven innocent...
  6. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Depends on when you got in on them. If you bought RGR in '11, you made a nice profit if you sold within the last year.
  7. The sooner that we realize that we're just a manning number to Big Blue, and the only people that might actually care about you are some of your squadronmates, the closer you are to achieving nirvana.
  8. Because as soon as you "turn your back" on Big Blue, you're dead to it.
  9. This is exactly the problem right here: someone who thinks that a reference to anything sexual is "sexist". Suggest you go pick up a dictionary and look that word up, then go back and reassess if "69" is what it describes. This is as asinine as the slide I saw recently at the sexual assault stand down that said: Anything offensive = sexual assault = UCMJ violation
  10. Yet again...."Unlawful Command Influence" seems to be a term that is completely unknown to civilian lawmakers when they comment on UCMJ cases. A reminder of the results of the previous round of commentary from civilian leadership: http://www.stripes.com/judge-obama-sex-assault-comments-unlawful-command-influence-1.225974
  11. Why would any of these actions have an impact on a security clearance?
  12. Nice work. It is too bad that she doesn't believe that we peasants are worthy to own an AR-15. http://startingpoint...arget-practice/
  13. I have no issue with a superior rank correcting a subordinate rank in public. All too often, it is the opposite that takes place, and I find that to be way out of line.
  14. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    When Colt's leaves Connecticut, then we'll know it is really on.
  15. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    That California bill is just through the Senate -- not signed into law.
  16. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    How well does that mag function?
  17. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    He didn't have 1300 rounds of ammo. http://usnews.nbcnew...nds-police?lite Listen to what she says in the news conference: "If all of the magazines that we collected were in fact loaded fully, something on the order of about 1,300 rounds, and that's an estimation". She is doing math based on the number of mags they collected, NOT the actual tally of cartridges. The news media ran with the ball after COMPLETELY misunderstanding what she said, and -- weird -- the police never bothered to correct the errant reports. Anyone who has had a 500-round case of .223 ammo delivered to their house knows it is just not in any way realistic to carry around 1,300 rounds, regardless of if they're in magazines or not.
  18. That'd be in like with the Army, whose Chief says: Not fighting a war...not supporting and defending the Constitution....but sexual assault.
  19. At the beginning of both of those the AF wore DCUs -- ABUs didn't get issued until 2007 or so. It would be simple to just make either DCU or OCPs the standard across the DoD.
  20. I bet the manufacturers of all these different camouflage types are going to be pissed that their cash-cow contracts to make them may be going away.
  21. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    PSA also had blem lowers on sale yesterday for $69.99....and sold out almost immediately. That is getting close to their pre-craze prices.
  22. Also simply known as "the law"...which both sides in a case are obligated to follow.
  23. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    I nearly sold one of my 1260 cases of M67 during the panic when someone offered me $700 for it! Shoulda done it.
  24. It is almost as if they were more concerned about spending their time/effort/money on the tactical and weapons systems (ergo "warfighting") capabilities of the aircraft instead of the latest and greatest capabilities to fly around the National Airspace System.
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