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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. Great news if true. The only thing the news outlets are currently reporting is that the jury is deliberating.
  2. Fortunately for folks stationed outside AFCENT.....
  3. I'm talking about the atmosphere at UPT in the 1970s, 80s, and early 90s (the pre-Clinton era, basically)....not 5 years ago. The culture of risk aversion on this stuff seems to be a product of the post-Tailhook, post-Clarence Thomas, political correctness wave that started in the mid/late 90s and went full retard post-9/11. BTW, my understanding of the current wave of 'search and destroy for offensive material' does not have any punishments attached to anything that is found or anyone whose command it is found under. A significant component of this is supposedly the reports back up the chain of what is found, for data collection at HAF.
  4. There was no such 'approval process' back in the day...so, no, you're not going to see any accountability from leadership for these patches. Back then they rightfully let students represent their classes however they pleased without getting the SJA and a Staff Summary Sheet involved.
  5. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Where did you get that ol' dad had 'recently' died? She stated to the officers that it had been 'sitting in her closet' -- there was no length of time given that she had it. None the less, that is still possession of an unregistered, un tax-stamped fully automatic weapon. Folks have ended up with federal convictions for significantly less. ATF agents are federal officers. They likely aren't going to care about a local peace officer's vouching for her, other than that he can positively identify her as being the individual in possession of the unregistered, un-taxed automatic rifle. Unfortunately, the ATF has proven time and time again that 'intent' means nothing, and the fact that it was non-functional also means nothing. Let's remember this is the same organization that determined that a string is a machine gun. Logical, rational thought is not applicable:
  6. What happened to the posts from the "Off DZ" jumper?
  7. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    The woman whose closet it came from -- the one in possession of the unregistered machine gun.
  8. RAB obviously has no idea about the sacred trust and responsibility that AF aircrew have for the ground-pounder brethren we support. RAB also has no idea that many of us have been in plenty of life-or-death situations as aviators where our on-the-spot judgment and decisionmaking often meant the difference between living or dying, either for ourselves/our crews or for the ground forces we were supporting. RAB clearly has no understanding that when events turn out on the "death" side of the fence, how heavily that weighs upon us.
  9. In that case, tradition had all ready been thrown out the window. SQ/CCs have no rank/authority in the bar, especially at a naming. The Mayor is the ultimate and final authority for all bar activities.
  10. http://blog.thenewstribune.com/military/2012/12/11/jblm-pilot-pleads-not-guilt/
  11. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Hope it is on the ATF registry...otherwise, someone's going to be looking at a federal felony sometime soon!
  12. Flight Engineer's problem, apparently.
  13. Neither of those look at all like a Flanker, Regardless of the paint job.
  14. I wouldn't expect most of the people responsible for that to be able to identify the difference between a military and a civilian aircraft, much less between military aircraft of a particular country.
  15. Can someone please find an email for Dick Anderegg (USAF Historian) and tell him this crap is happening. Destruction of legitimate historical artifacts is very likely a crime.
  16. Must have been a really good conversation...
  17. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    I'm completely against the idea. It is none of my Commanders fucking business what tools I legally own and possess outside of work. They don't get to decide what kind of car I drive or when I get to drive it -- and cars aren't even a Constitutional (and SCOTUS-reaffirmed) personal right. Thinking someone might be at risk of suicide is not in any way an excuse for carte blanche authorization for a Commander to pre-emptively remove one of their natural God-given rights. It is shameful that a 28-year Army Medical Corps officer thinks that treatment of a symptom (ergo, access to firearms) is in any way an effective treatment for what is absolutely a tragedy and an epidemic (military suicides). How about you "medical professionals" use some of that education you have to figure out the actual root cause and treat that instead? Flight Doc: "Captain, I'm aware that you are seeing me complaining of massive bleeding from your hand being cut off, but instead of actually treating the amputation, we are going to tape your mouth shut so you cannot scream in pain and so you won't bother any of your coworkers with your screams. Come on back in a week and we'll see how you are doing."
  18. Ridiculous that it was removed in the first place. And yet, some people still think that the AF 'doesn't have any heritage'.... Well, jesus, this is exactly why.
  19. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Do any of the Korea or Turkey bag makers make any soft rifle cases or other range bags? I didn't see anything on the Royal Bag website....
  20. Let's not forget all of the fantastic CSAFs that were between McPeak and Schwartz; Fogleman and Jumper are my two favorites.
  21. Here's what I posted about the Cockpit issue jackets last year. BL: it is still real leather. For folks who are wanting to buy aftermarket jackets, the Cockpit USA jackets that you can buy commercially are exactly the same as the issue design, but they're not held to the domestically-sourced leather restriction, so they are of much nicer quality leather. US Wings also sells an authentic current-contract jacket; they bought up the old Saddlery/Cooper Sportswear license and patterns. If you want a REALLY nice A-2, try something from Good Wear Leather or Eastman Leather: they have historically-accurate A-2 reproductions that blow away anything you'll get from Pop's or Lim's.
  22. Reflective of the big problems that can result from privatization/outsourcing of military functions.
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