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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. i don't recall there being any kind of "affair scandal". In fact, the first any of the public heard of it what in his resignation. This smells like something different.
  2. There is a certain level of legitimacy to that argument.
  3. The pilot who was shot at and sends the Xmas card is the source. But, as we've seen, the primary actor personally relating the story isn't apparently sufficient anymore, unless it is accompanied by his full name and contact information so sweet I'm SOF can call and ask that person for proof.
  4. Cool story. I know a F-15E pilot who, for a time in the early '00s, was sending Christmas cards to a SAM operator who had shot at him during ALLIED FORCE, and whom he'd later located via the internet.
  5. Surely you have to understand the difference between classification on a MISREP -- a document with a compilation of a set of specific information regarding a combat mission -- and the classification (or not) of the events documented in that MISREP. If you don't understand the difference, then you are clearly out of your depth in this discussion. Even better, if you can't understand that there are lots of events that are unclassified, yet which aren't documented in commercially-available books or searchable on the internet, then you are also clearly out of your depth here. You are still not giving any indication that you have the faintest idea what you are talking about on a lot of topics that are commonplace to most of us. You have even failed to provide any of the basic information about yourself that you said you would in the other thread, even after another poster gave you all of his details (one of the 'conditions' you made).
  6. Here comes the real irony of that, given the drift of this discussion: at least one of the published books, and several of the online sources, print that kill as an MD-500 or some other kind of light helo. And then, there's the official version of the story:
  7. A report from a think tank...regardless of their political leanings ....that is unsponsored by any political or military entity in the government, has zero chance of implementation.
  8. There's actually about a decade's worth of F-15E pilots who have strafed in Afghanistan, but Junior and Panzer weren't actually the first guys to combat strafe in the F-15E. Strangely enough, many combat achievements aren't printed in commercially-available books. Many times those MISREPs are, sorta, you know, classified and stuff. EDIT: I've strafed a good number of times in Afghanistan; according to you, unless it says where and when it took place in a medal citation or it is printed in a book somewhere, that never happened?
  9. Standby for sweet I'm SOF to roll in and ask for a published source to back this up.
  10. Why do we even bother discussing what a liberal think tank proposes? This isn't even sponsored by the Pentagon, much less something they're considering.
  11. How about they go steal the one at Alconbury under cover of darkness one night?
  12. Well, there are some folks with some serious reading comprehension issues participating....
  13. It has all ready been there since the 1970s.
  14. I thought the difference between whores and prostitutes was....oh, nevermind.
  15. Who said anything about 'worship' besides you? He's someone who has credibility -- that's all. I disagree with some of the shit he says, but there's some of it that I agree with it -- and sometimes strongly agree. You are trying a little too hard to discredit without offering any reason for an alternative.
  16. Still waiting for sweet I'm SOF to give any indication whatsoever of community, AFSC, qual, or experience -- something, anything at all, to give any validity whatsoever to his diatribe. Pretty easy to chuck spears from the shadows when you don't have to own up to any of them.
  17. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    My favorite M1903 variant was one a guy built up for a CMP match -- it was an 03A3 with the peep sight setup, sitting in a Keystone C-stock, and with all the milled hardware from the 1903 (vs the stamped accessories from the 03A3). That's my dream setup.
  18. Anybody have a shot of that AF Times cover they can re-post? haha Guess I should have also added that Rainman owns a lot of leather-bound books and his apartment smells of rich mahogany.
  19. I'm pretty sure that "Sweet, I'm SOF" refers to the feeling aviators have when they look at the schedule and see that they are scheduled to sit Supervisor of Flying.
  20. A-10 WIC IP, retired O-5 within the last couple years. Opening shots of OIF and OEF vet. Extremely well known with lots of cred in the A-10 community before he retired. He's world renowned in the Hog community, even now after he's gone. Not personally met him (I'm a Strike Eagle guy -- we don't run in overlapping circles), but plenty of squadronmates of mine during two different assignments and whose opinions I highly trust, who also flew Hogs with him, have enormous respect for him. I've spoken to him several times when he was still on AD about some common experiences we had during Shock and Awe. He's definitely a real person with real-world combat airpower experience (the kind that involves killing people and getting shot back at), technical and tactical credibility, and leadership experience. Go ahead with your quals now -- otherwise, can it.
  21. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    I was mostly just curious since it is wearing a CMP C-stock.
  22. The difference between Rainman and you is, we actually know who Rainman is. Some of us knew him (or knew of him -- the fighter world is a small place) on active duty, and our respect for him and his information (or, even our disagreement with him, depending on who you are) is earned based on his real world experience and reputation. He's not some old internet phantom who is talking about how things were when Carter was in office. Until you step out of the shadows, none of us can say the same about you -- especially based on some of the things you've said on this forum since joining.
  23. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Who made the A4 clone?
  24. I got suckered into this too back in '95, and like you I was pissed that I wasn't smart enough to understand it was a sucker bet at the time. That experience actually paved the way for me getting smart on my own investments such that I wouldn't get into a loser deal like that again. I'm fortunate that, outside of the $$ I flat out lost on that first-year 50% load, the check I received when I cashed out of Fidelity Destiny was worth more than the face value of what I'd invested (although by about 2% per year, which is a terrible, terrible return). I consider the money I 'lost' a fee for being ignorant about what I was doing with my money.
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