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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Everybody wants to pretend to be 'operators'. This is the "Navy SEALS" of our generation, unfortunately. But, hey -- I'm sure inside a prison, there is lots of need for OD green uniforms and no-button-on-top hats (for the ear-pro, right?) with IR American flags on them. Lots of need for 'warriors' there.
  2. If we are to believe the story the way it was related, yes.
  3. Ignorant people are ignorant, regardless of their country of origin. One piece of social Darwinism in action. That's because guns are evil, and there's no fathomable way that a small group of Americans out in the desert were able to have guns without it eventually turning into a 'gunfight at the OK Corral'.
  4. Twice, even. ...or, more importantly, been shot at by the enemy. This is typical of the problem with the "support warrior" self-reinforcing mindset. There is no perspective to show them just how asinine their beliefs are, and worse yet the 'leaders' have such a belief and cultivate it in their young'uns. Until we have another war in which large numbers of folks are coming home in flag-draped caskets, the USAF is not going to be able to shake this "I'm a warrior, too1!!111!" mindset.
  5. All of this, of course, is the fault of those greedy pilots.
  6. FWIW I heard the exact same story at AUAB in early 2003 in the run-up for Shock-N-Awe. Likely an urban legend either way.
  7. Don't put that shit on the dark gray. Never heard this 'partied' crap until it was posted here. Not my community's fault.
  8. The context I heard it in was basically a dick-measuring contest with another platform that performs essentially the same mission.
  9. Warning: Sarcasm detector inop.
  10. I got a good laugh once when I saw a U-28 guy billing his community as "the Tier 1 of the Air Force". Yeah, keep tellin' yourself that.
  11. Not insulting your intelligence or showing my masterful command of the obvious. Just making sure other folks knew that, unlike your statement, it is not just "MFWIC". Very likely the reason that in some communities MFWIC is the chosen term.
  12. As they said in the SAC days, there is no horse too dead to beat.
  13. Are you saying that someone/some organization was tasked to do this, and they refused? And that Hauben's squadron/airframe/crew/whatnot heard this, and decided they'd go do it?
  14. HMFIC means Head Mother Fucker In Charge. I heard that before I heard of "mif-wick". Both valid in my opinion.
  15. Still a relatively new trend. I'd never heard of it (outside of Korea) before 2004.
  16. I think its right down the Street from Typo University International, known by their initials, TUI.
  17. The actual part of this post that begs for comment is the blue-kool-aid stain at the very end:
  18. The article is actually summarizing a report written by the Standford and NYU law schools.
  19. How do we not have (more?) Generals like this in the USAF?
  20. I believe what he's getting at is that it's G-induced Loss Of Consciousness -- GLOC. Not "G-lock". Video does pretty clearly show the maneuver and that there wasn't any contact. Doesn't necessarily mean it was GLOC though. There's another airshow crash within the last year or two that the root cause is believe to have been control interference via something in the rear cockpit (ergo, RCP seatbelts not buckled and tightened, etc). Lots of possibilities.
  21. Any online links of the entire 60 Minutes interview? All I could find last evening were the "Overtime" extras that CBS put online, and a repeat of an interview they did with "Demo Dick" back in 1992.
  22. Halfway through it, and is better than I thought it was going to be. Surprised at some of the content, though. The interesting part is in the foreward, where "Owen" speaks of only writing about people, events, and organizations that are previously discussed in open sources. Just a reminder to all of us: having something discussed in open sources never relieves us of our own NDAs.
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