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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. There used to be a time when rebellion was encouraged and embraced...when we WERE the rebellion in the Army's ranks. A time when they named airplanes after you if you'd rebelled so vigorously that you'd been Court-martialed. This MSgt, like so many today, has it wrong, wrong, wrong. In telling us to "rebel correctly", he's really saying "comply, peon".
  2. I'm surprised that we are not also having widespread malign for this E-9's boss, who has allowed this mindset to take hold. After all...this E-9 was pretty clear that this was HIS BOSS' idea "vector".
  3. The guy in that other thread (fantastic read, BTW...it's great to see stripe-wearers in there duking it out with the shoe clerks!) who lumped McPeak, Jumper, and Moseley together in the same boat as being responsible for the USAF jumping the tracks needs to be choked. His message is correct, but 2 of the 3 targets of his spears are right out.
  4. Do any of you guys remember a time before "everyone has to have a badge"? I do.
  5. Absolutely they do. Unless I completely misread your original post, that's exactly who you were railing against, not the miscreants who stay in beyond 20:
  6. That's a fucking idiotic generalization. Yes, the upper level idiots are included in the entire group of people who stay until 20 and beyond. However, to say that the entire group is 'generally' comprised of those idiots is phenomenally ignorant. There are a shitload of passed-over Captains, Majs, and Lt Cols who remained in those ranks for years because they didn't suck dick and sell out to the man. In fact, many of them use those extra years to do battle with the morons to try and keep some sanity in the process.
  7. Yeah, that's why it's called 'the service', dude. It's never been about what you "get" as an exit bonus when you're done with your time in the service. Besides, that extra stuff you're wishing you got when you leave is all ready there: they're called "veteran's benefits", and it's aimed at exactly the dude you're talking about who joins up, does his time, and then gets out. There's a whole shitload of 'em out there...check 'em out.
  8. The problem is, that's not a 'now' fix -- that changes things 20 years down the road. Let's face it: this whole retirement discussion is a political dance brought up by the current economy. They want a change that will provide benefit TODAY, or this year. To say that it will help in 20 years means absolutely nothing to anyone.
  9. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    I love it when firearm neophytes ask 'what's the most accurate'....when the weakest link in the chain isn't the equipment, it's the wet noodle pointing it. They're all more accurate than we are.
  10. Some additional Yeager douchebaggery, just in case some felt that this was an isolated feeling amongst Baseops.net participants: http://www.warbirdinformationexchange.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=42031
  11. This, in big bright shiny bold neon flashing letters.
  12. I find sitting around here and screaming the USAF equivalent of "you kids get off my lawn!" incredibly constructive. I just can't wait for that first day when I can go to the Commissary as a retiree and buy 3 shopping carts full of carton cigarettes. Then I'll know I've really made it!
  13. Sarcasm detector inop again, eh? Of course, you should be self-aware and proud of being a know-it-all asshole -- I am!
  14. Enormous continued off-topic discussion: While I thoroughly believe that there are plenty of pilots out there who are like that, there are unfortunately also a good number who believe that TCAS is your SA and fail to understand that term 'augment' you so perfectly use above. I would think Rainman was a know-it-all asshole, too, if I hadn't personally observed this kind of 'piloting' myself in the wonderful social experiment/clash of aviation cultures we call the MC-12 program.
  15. Uh, no, actually there is quite an argument. Again, there are thousands of USAF pilots who don't, and haven't for decades.
  16. Dear God, how did ANYONE ever keep from having a midair before TCAS? To hear some dudes talk, it's like every single airliner that ever took to the skies before the advent of it had a fatal midair. Check twelve, listen to the radio, and follow procedural deconfliction. It's worked for decades.
  17. This is quite possibly the best description of this dysfunctional set of human beings that I've ever read.
  18. FWIW, Huggy, I believe that he was referring to Yeager and not you..... But, threat reaction observed.
  19. Oh, yes, I've been bitter for quite a few years, thanks. Currently located at one of those GO#1 locations...probably part of the root cause right there.
  20. Nobody was forced to go to UPT and enter into such indentured serditude. In fact, 99.69% of guys beating down the door to get to UPT would sign their wife and child away just to get the opportunity to do what you and I do. It's part of the game. If you haven't realized that up to this point, then the joke's on you. Everyone should know this and make choices accordingly from the first time they enlist in and including every decision made thereafter. Caveat emptor. Really? When operating in congested 'wild west' airspace, you're watching your TCAS closely? How about ya try this one one for size: check 12 o'clock and clear your flightpath. Remember that one from day 1 of UPT?
  21. So, it took place in three parts, but was 'uninterrupted'? Is this TPS logic? Just because someone has the opportunity and venue to speak their mind doesn't mean they should do it.
  22. That's interesting, because there are a lot of aviators who have no respect for a guy who is a self-important windbag who once accomplished some amazing acts of airmanship but unfortunately eclipsed all of that with his enormous ego.
  23. Of course they can. PS, there's an enormous portion of the USAF flying community that doesn't wear the flag on their flight suits.
  24. The series of photos on AvWeb seems to indicate he's not. I think that the stuff you're seeing in that dirt nap photo is the engine spitting out all of the fod that the intake is gobbling up. http://www.avweb.com/news/airventure/EAAAirVenture2011_F16RunwayOverrun_205088-1.html
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