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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. Is that the polished metal one that has been on display at the Reno Air Races occasionally?
  2. What kind of L-17? Is it a real L-17, or just a dressed up Navion?
  3. e-Snacko does 'em, too. My squadron just had them do a run for everyone last month.
  4. Thanks for the words, dudes. It's more about the ATP than it is the Be-350 type. If you don't have the centerline thrust restriction, and you have more than 1,000 hours PIC, FSI will make the MC-12 checkride count for both the ATP and the type rating. If you do have the restriction, then they won't do either. So, just trying to kill the most expensive/important bird with the stones allocated by Uncle Sam.
  5. Kuma, how many hours in the Seminole did it take to remove the restriction? I assume that you also had to pay "full fare" for a DE to sign you off?
  6. Anyone know if the folks at Flight Safety can/will remove the Centerline Thrust Restriction to an FAA Comm/Multi when doing the checkride for MC-12 training? I've heard directly contradicting information; Flight Safety's own information packet says that they won't allow the checkride to count as an ATP / Be-350 type ride if the student has the Restriction, which implies that the student needs that Restriction removed the minute they walk in the door on the first day. 2ndhand I've heard that more than one student has shown up to training with the Restriction, had Flight Safety add the Vmc Demo maneuver series into the checkride itself, and was able to get the ATP and the Type. I tried calling Flight Safety, but couldn't get ahold of anyone who understood what I was really asking about.
  7. Good, just checking. That was pretty much our whole point in the ROTC thread. At least you had some skull's up before you got there. Vance T-38 drop was something like: F-16 A-10 (ANG) NSA E-8 C-17 KC-125 McConnell T-6 FAIP RPA Cannon
  8. Rainman, I think you'll find that the O-Club rules are sadly no longer the O-Club rules. So far as leadership is concerned, it's a race to see who can appear to be the most conservative and straight-arrow, and unfortunately bar hijinx are considered to be bad. It's unbelievable.
  9. There's much better video over at the Red Bull website. Tons of slo-mo cameras from multiple angles that show just how close he came to not flying out of that. I used to fly with Hall at Seymour when he was on his exchange tour -- a great dude and an equally great pilot. Happy to see him get out of that one unscathed.
  10. I keep a digital logbook (an Excel spreadsheet) that tracks both military and civilian flight time. The military time is logged exactly the same (more or less) as it appears in AFORMS, and the civil time is logged as FAA regs proscribe. The digital book allows me to split off the time into mil-only, civil-only, or both, depending on what I want to use it for.
  11. Oh, don't we wish that were true. Unfortunately the AF only pays lip service to heritage, and even then only selectively when it conveniently fits in with the current 'warrior monk' ethos. Disgusting.
  12. Not lost it's mind...just traveled back in time 30 or 40 years. Curt LeMay standard.
  13. The WUGs sometimes fly against them as fam, and sometimes they're also red air during the ME phase.
  14. Wonder what drove this about-face.
  15. It's not just about learning. It's also about harassment, and being able to take that harassment because of the big boy pants you were issued when you hit the big leagues.
  16. Rainman, I heard a funny story about you from a deployed location...the story's unimportant, but the punchline seems especially appropriate here: "There's no fucking crying in baseball!!"
  17. Electron conservation, every bit as critical as C-3 comm.
  18. I can't imagine how tough it must be for you to have to type those extra two characters and completely spell "your".
  19. Valid shot. I didn't even see the link in the post to Huggy, so I'm a retard.
  20. Thanks. A 'yes' would have sufficed.
  21. Is your "S-word" Col Sargeant? He was the Commandant when I was a punk Lt out at Nellis in the 90s.
  22. This is unfortunately AF standard these days. There is no over-reaction too large in response to something that might be remotely questionable to someone at some point in the chain of command. It's like a competition between who can make the most conservative decision and deal the harshest penalty in response, just to ensure that some superior can't be potentially displeased with the result. With respect to spirit missions, I dunno when people stopped getting issued thick skin and started thinking that crying to mom/dad was the correct answer whenever someone hurt your feelings. A recent spirit mission at an AETC base was met with a similar cry-baby response, running to the leadership to punish the perps, rather than using that emotion to plot an even better response (the way it is supposed to be done among warriors...or, at least among adults who can take personal responsibility for their emotions and defense of their own pride and property).
  23. So, they can put on an ME Phase LFE, but can't organize a spirit mission to a location that is manned around the clock? Seems like that would be a pretty easy mission to plan based on some of the ME Phase plans I've seen.
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