No, no regrets about being active and staying AD.
There is a lot of grass-is-greener syndrome with people who make such statements -- I was certainly one of 'em. For a time about 6-9 years ago, I was hellbent on leaving AD and going to the ANG for all the same reasons that most people state; stable job and location, less deployments, less BS and politics, less queep, less cutthroat from people trying to make rank, etc.
Unfortunately, these reasons come from an era that has passed. Today's ANG/Reserve units are in the deployment rotation just as much as anyone. The last two BRACs have changed MANY of those units' missions (if I'd gone to three of the four ANG fighter units I was hoping to go to, I'd no longer be flying a fighter), and some of those units have even gone to RPAs. With respect to the queep and admin, there is just as much of it there, too, it's just of a different flavor. True, it's a flavor that some people find easier to stomach, but it is there nonetheless.
I second the idea of reading this thread over at APC, which has a lot of guys talking about their experiences leaving AD for the ANG/reserves (or retirement) and their reasons for wanting to get back on Active Duty. I have several peers who left active duty for greener pastures in the 2006-2007 timeframe and their experiences seem to mirror many of the thoughts in that thread (all of them except one have either gotten AGR jobs or back on AD).
Certainly there is nothing *wrong* with the ANG and Reserves -- it's a great way to serve in and of itself. It's not, however, the Panacea that a lot of people on AD seem to think it is.