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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. Pretty cool that they're rockin flight suits, yet nary a set of wings in sight.
  2. You sure this has a 'Japanese' origin? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobayashi_Maru
  3. Not confused...just surprised at the extremely awkward way you described something very simple that pointy-nosed people have been describing for ages. It's okay -- "deconflict" isn't in the dictionary, either, as are a whole slew of other words that we use regularly.
  4. Hacker

    Squadron Bars

    MFP. Core of the problem with no desire to fix, got it.
  5. Hacker

    Squadron Bars

    .... ahhhh, yes, I think I see the problem right here.....
  6. Hacker

    Squadron Bars

    Fear not, Brother Rainman. There are still bars in fighter squadrons. There are still doofer books. There are still raging friday nights with drinking, gambling, singing....but the debauchery is gone (no non-military chicks bussed on to base anymore) as are many of the pushes to the Big House. The fact is, these days I'd rather drink in my own squadron bar instead of the club. The Big House, in fact, has absolutely zero to contribute to a good friday evening. In my squadron bar, I have free alcohol (or, really stuff I've all ready paid for), I hang out with the people I really want to hang out with, I can smoke, gamble, curse, hang brain, etc, without having some douchebag or his wife come over and tell me what I'm doing is offensive. Until they keep the SPs from arresting people staggering home from the Club for public intox... Until they allow us to carouse, curse, get sloppy drunk, yell, gamble, smoke, sing vulgar songs, etc at the Club... Until they start letting non-military women on base and into the Club... ...then I'll have absolutely no reason to go there. That place can fuck off and burn to the ground for all I care until they change their scope of operations. Anyway, fear not; there are still people who have the right focus and want to train the next generation right. Although we're facing significant resistance, there are people out there who are 'keeping it real'.
  7. Here are the historical UPT washout rates. The 'entries' and 'grads' columns refer specifically to USAFA graduates, not the total number of SUPT students.
  8. Uh huh. Tell us more about how you'd handle your wife if you were married.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A1r%C3%A1ny_chair
  10. Since when was approval required for someone's image to be posted on an internet forum?
  11. Why couldn't they at least use the correct music?
  12. I missed that one. What thread was that in??
  13. Dudes, there is absolutely no good that can come from this discussion. If you believe in gouge, then use it. If you don't, then don't. If you're a young guy who is trying to figure out what is right and what is wrong, then grab an IP that you like and respect and ask him personally to give you some mentorship on the subject. One thing's for certain: nobody is going to be able to draw a clear-cut line that everyone agrees on when this is an area that there is only grayness.
  14. The "spouse response to a salute to the car at the gate" I've always seen *is* a wave.
  15. Lutz, no offense, but are you going around to EVERY aviation forum and posting that? It's a very cool think that you're getting the word out, but this is literally the 4th forum I've seen you post the exact same thing. Are you just excited about sharing the video of your dad with the internet, or is there another reason? Just wondering. Cool video, none the less, and very neat to learn about your father. Thanks for sharing that with us.
  16. I'd mostly be interested in the CSAF's response to a request for a dialogue from "The Junior Congressman from Bumblef*ck". Did he tell you to EABOD himself, or did he leave that to one of his aides?
  17. How about this instead? Guess I should have actually taken it out of my pocket and looked at it before I posted that.
  18. They're all correct. One is what the patch says (the top two, actually), and the other is how you write it. My RMO says "336 FS" on it without the "th".
  19. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    It's the same round...what's the diff. If you can carry something other than the M9, then might as well make a change that could make a tangible difference in stopping power.
  20. Apologies for the continued thread derail, but this is the 1997 AF Times article where the 2nd "Dear Boss" letter appears: Bird, Julie. Punching Out: In a Letter to His "Boss", A Pilot Explains Why He's Leaving the Air Force. Air Force Times pp 12-14, March 17, 1997.
  21. There was definitely a 2nd one written during the Fogleman era, '97ish. When I read the AF times article on it, that was the first time I'd even heard of the Keys letter. I had a vague recollection in my mind that there was a 3rd letter written post 9/11, but maybe not.
  22. Damn, some great quotes in this short thread all ready. A month or two ago I heard of a new-in-2009 "Dear Boss" letter. Anyone else seen such a beast? Given the current circumstances both inside and outside the USAF, I'm interested to see what this one says. Perhaps it will get all the same attention and action that the previous two (or is it three?) USAF Dear Boss letters did. I think there's a BIG lesson to be learned out of the fact that the first Dear Boss letter's author wasn't able to fix the issues he brought up in letter #1 even as a MAJCOM CC. The bigger lesson is probably that you could change a couple of the terms in Keys' letter and it would apply just as much today as it did in the 1980s.
  23. Definitely a Hind, NOT a Hip or MD-500. Chewie was my SQ/CC back in the day, and I had many chances to talk with Rhino Bennett over beers while we were both deployed to OIF in '03. They both adamantly said it was a Hind, and that it was clearly visible in their LANTIRN video. Tons of bro network discussion about it being an F-15E that shot down the UAV. And, it was a Reaper, not a Pred.
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