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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. I see one of the members of this class all the time here at Lakenheath...but I don't ask him about it.
  2. And here I thought the "A" in FAST stood for "And". Apparently it stands for "Or".
  3. And here I thought that the "F" in "FAST" stood for "fuel". So was the F-117's two whole bombs.
  4. Bizarre idea. Seems like putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. They don't seem to have addressed what really makes the F-15E a "high observable" platform. Hint: it's not the straight-up vertical stabs or the AMRAAMs hanging on pylons under the wing. Plus...those "internal" 120s probably eat away at that CFT fuel capacity... EDIT: Linky to a high-res photo: http://www.sflorg.com/aviation_gallery/mil...itary_38?full=1
  5. Hacker

    Twin Mustang

    No, there were about 6 engines that came with the original deal in 1999. Collings decided not to take the engines out of AMARC when they took delivery of the airplane. 2 or 3 years ago, they FODded out one engine, and went to AMARC to pick up one of their spares. They met with the same deal: current CC at AMARG said, "the guy who made that deal with you wasn't authorized to do it" and did not let the engines go. Since it was a Congressional bill that donated the airplane and engines to them, you can imagine how that decision went over. CF has been trying for that long to get their Congressional supporters to straighten the USAF/AMARG out.
  6. Hacker

    Twin Mustang

    This is yet another example of empire-building in the USAF. They're doing the same thing with the Collings Foundation. Of course...the USAF loves "heritage", right?
  7. It is this simple: There is a reason the airplanes are in storage up at Tonopah, in a secure location but still able to potentially be revived someday rather than having been chopped up or baking in the sun at AMARG. There are a whole lot of people (apparently on BaseOps, in addition to the press) who seem to think that the people who owned/managed/operated the F-117 program are a bunch of total idiots. The USAF didn't decide on that fate randomly. The USAF isn't just in need of a "good idea" to pop up so they can figure out what to do with them.
  8. Recommend you hire Bud Day (yes, that Bud Day) as your attorney to represent you at your FEB. No joke.
  9. So, I thought it might be fun to see what kind of aviation patches you guys have that are unintentionally funny. Not a gag patch, but one that was supposed to be serious but ended up being not so much. My favorite is this bit of Engrish from Korea: The McDonald Davis F-16 Eagle
  10. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    I completely 100% disagree. Yes, it is about stopping the threat and using as many tools and techniques as you can to avoid killing another person while stopping harm to yourself. All of that stops as soon as you make the decision to draw. As soon as you clear leather, you have all ready made the decision to pull the trigger. Either you intend to kill and you draw, or you do something else that does not involve pulling out your CCW. There are no brandishes, no warning shots, or other intermediate steps along the way. I don't know of a credible and accepted self-defense firearm instruction theory/method that teaches brandishing or warning shots or the like as steps to take in a self defense situation. If it is serious enough that you are drawing, it is serious enough for you to pull the trigger. This is the same category as decisions in aviation like aborting a takeoff, pulling the ejection handles, etc. It is binary. If you do not intend to kill that other person, then you should not be breaking leather. Now...that's not to say that if you draw and the situation is stopped without you pulling the trigger that you HAVE TO. Of course that's not true. You, however, set up a scenario in your post where someone was pointing a loaded 1911 at someone else and said that an "accidental discharge" would be the result if an adrenaline-charged twitch of the finger pressed the 5-6# pull of the single action trigger. That's not an accidental discharge...no more than the opening of the parachute is "accidental" after pulling the ejection handles. You don't draw your weapon and point it at someone if you do not fully intend to kill them. It is that simple. Pistols: several 1911s by various makers, B92FS, a couple Star 9mms, Smith and Colt revolvers Rifles: Several Garands, several Carbines, SKSs, 1903, 1903A3, AR-7, M1917 EDIT: Here are some of the rifles: ...and here is one of the Stars and one of the 1911s
  11. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    As someone who CCWs, I'm surprised you would make this statement. 1) If your weapon is drawn and pointed at something, you have all ready accepted the consequences of killing whatever is under your sights. It is no longer an "accidental discharge" at that point. 2) Finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Pretty simple.
  12. I've yet to see any impact at all on anyone's job prospects, career progression, promotions, assignments out of a secondary AFSC. If you are going for a job that requires a specific AFSC that you used to have at some point in your career, they will be able to see it on your duty history even if it's not up at the top of your SURF/DVB/etc.
  13. Just like every other jet out there, the T-38 has a long list of unfunded -- but approved -- upgrades. Antiskid is one of them. Unless something significant has changed in the 3 years I've been away from the '38, the new seats are the only thing getting any money.
  14. Is there a new txting medal out there? "U" apparently qualify for it.
  15. Seriously? You find that insulting? You need to get some thick skin or find a new line of work if that is insulting to you.
  16. Hacker


    Dupe, you are a retard. That is, as others have mentioned, that story is from When Thunder Rolled. I sent out a PDF of the story before we went downrange in '07. You do remember that, right? Or have those TPS reports flushed all of that good fighter pilot sh*t out of your brain? heh heh I will email it to your work address.
  17. http://www.stripes.com/09/feb09/crash_report.pdf Pilot, Radar Nav, and Nav (see page 7).
  18. Saw this over on Airwarriors and thought this crowd would appreciate it. This is an "Ask The Captain" column from the Pt Mugu base paper: http://www.aerotechnews.com/ptmuguhueneme/...-01-14T19-52-34
  19. Maybe a test of Google-fu needs to be added to the AFOQT.
  20. Important safety tip for us old guys who will eventually (hopefully) make the transition to flying in something other than a flight suit. Although, living overseas rapidly breaks one of the t-shirt/Levi's/tennis shoe wardrobe. Unfortunately, the re-living former glories part has to be un-learned.
  21. Caption Contest: 435th Air Base Wing Drunk Sluts 435th Air Base Wing Crazy Coeds 435th Air Base Wing Girls Gone Wild
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