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Everything posted by Hacker

  1. RUMINT over on Airshowbuzz.com says the Admin Officer, Lt Gretchen Doane, was involved, too.
  2. Yes, that's part of it. I highly, highly ENCOURAGE people to keep a journal of their experiences. I equally as highly DISCOURAGE USAF officers from putting that journal on the internet. No good can come from it. Seriously. To the OP....dude, I did this 10 years ago and, although I recieved a lot of feedback that it was helpful to many people (to this day guys I don't know still see my name tag and say "thanks for writing that journal!"), in the end it was nothing but a headache for me. If you want to know the specifics, shoot me an email or PM and I'll give you the lowdown. Bottom line is this: You're not doing something unique -- literally dozens and dozens of other guys have "blogged" their UPT experience, even before there was such a thing as a blog! -- and as a military officer you are putting yourself and your family at risk by having so much personal data about yourself (and your profession) on the internet. Keep a written record of it for yourself -- you will thank yourself in 10 or 20 years when you are able to go back and refresh old memories that have faded and emotions that have long since disappeared. If you want to share that with your family and friends, distribute it via private channels. As far as the callsign goes....well, this website is certainly part of it, but the whole ordeal is a story best told over a bartop and liberal amounts of Jack and Coke.
  3. The current issue jacket is (was) made by Avirex, which has since had a corporate name change to "Cockpit USA". They sell the current issue jacket for something like $350 if you're really that hot and heavy to get one. IMHO, if you're not a historical snob like I am, go get the Pop's Leather one that everyone and their brother on here has recommended. Best fit and best quality that I've seen for an "issue" jacket.
  4. Sorry to hear that you're sick and tired of that line of discussion. Unfortunately, nobody sympathisizes, hence the "holier than though" (nice spelling, BTW) reaction you've been getting. Guess what -- we all had a tough road in our careers. We've all had expectations that weren't met. We've all had "promises" from Big Blue (whatever the hell those are) not kept. We've all had letdowns. Yours are no more or less than we've all had to deal with. Prove that you're not a whiny entitlement generation b*tch by stowing it and driving on.
  5. What difference does it make? It's an avatar of a chick dancing.
  6. The telltale feature that it's an AIM-7 and not an AMRAAM (aside from the size of the front fins) is the wave guide on the side of the body. Looks like a little cable tunnel running up the side of the missile body from the tail end.
  7. Why is this so surprising to anyone? The decisions made in 2004 were a previous administration maneuvering against the bandit that it saw then (ergo, trying to cut people in order to save money for airplanes). The maneuver didn't work. That administration is gone. There is a new bandit we're maneuvering against.
  8. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Which is in conflict with the recent Heller decision in the Supreme Court...so, at least there's one monkeywrench in the plans.
  9. The $25K bonus is also pre-taxed. Comes out to about $18,500 delivered to your account.
  10. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Well, don't panic yet. Not even a new president elected in November can do anything until he is inagurated in January. Plus, we're talking about something that will require a Congressional bill to pass two different houses. So, this won't happen overnight. But, by this time next year, we could potentially be looking at new firearms control legislation...my money's on AWB part II if anything.
  11. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Public Service Announcement: Buy evil black guns now while you can, before Obama bans 'em.
  12. And here I thought you were talking about one of these airline-killing pieces of FOD:
  13. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Kel-Tec P3AT. They have a bit of a bum rap, and because of this you can pick them up used dirt cheap. What most people don't realize is that they have a lifetime warranty, so if you pick up one used that has had problems you can send it to Kel Tec and let them make it right -- which they always do.
  14. Hacker

    Gun Talk

    Well done, M2, Although I personally am not a fan of forward serrations, drilled triggers, FLGRs, and the like...you made two very nice purchases. I'm a sucker for any 1911, even ones that don't stylistically appeal to me. That operator looks tough with the light rail.
  15. After our AEF in summer 07, we actually got two of the Crowbar chicks to come to our post-deployment party at Lakenheath. We were not disappointed by what we saw when they arrived. Musta been Navy. They always announce their boats on radio as "This is United States Ship" instead of their actual vessel name. A Navy pilot would probably be inclined to call himself "United States Fighter" when talking to outside agencies like that. But, a fighter monitoring 121.5?
  16. Hacker

    Learjet 60 Crash

    What are the Lear rules of thumb about aborting with a blown tire? In the Eagle and Talon there is a much higher risk associated with a high speed abort with a blown tire than there is with a heavyweight takeoff with a blown tire. We use 100 knots as a decision point -- if it happens below 100 knots, we'll abort the takeoff and accept the risk of the abort with a blown tire. Above 100, we'll continue the takeoff (usually regardless of the damage done by the tire breakup, to include an engine fire or FODding out) and deal with a heavyweight landing instead. Is there such a consideration with the Lear?
  17. I still like the idea of going full ribbons on the shirt, bloused trousers with boots, and wheelcap.
  18. The best way to do it is to remove all the leather edgeroll, sand/prep/paint the helmet, and then apply a new edgeroll. That takes a pretty good bit of arts and crafts skill, although I bought a case of beer for one of the life support NCOs in the squadron and she helped me glue all that stuff back together so it didn't look crappy. Painting around/over the edge roll just ends up looking shabby when all is said and done.
  19. AFNav, thanks for your words about STRATCOM. As a fighter dude with lots of N-word experience, I was thinking about trying to peddle it somewhere that it might be valued. I'll be right back after I scratch that off my ADP worksheet.
  20. M2 Johnson is right about HerkDerka Johnson and Boom Johnson being right.
  21. C'mon...does anyone believe that Social Security is even going to still be around by the time we get to an age where we qualify for it?
  22. The book is, as Steve woud say, 'pukka'. Great read, fascinating story. Those of you who buy it will be very happy with it.
  23. What position at EG&G are you applying for? If it's one of those flying out of McCarran, don't count on them even looking at your resume unless you all ready have a security clearance on file.
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