Hi all, new to the forum.
I'm currently AD and am wondering how the FC1 waiver process goes for PRK recipients. I would like to submit for the next AD UPT selection board but need PRK. Is there a specific time after PRK you can apply for the FC1? I've read that you can only do it 12 months after the date of the surgery (dated info), but I've also that you can apply 3 months post PRK for the FC1 on a waiver. What is the case? Can you go ahead with the FC1 do everything but the eye portion until the PRK heals? Thats also another question?
My Sq/CC basically wants to know these as well as it is basically the go/no-go decision to get the commander approval for myself.
FYI, being an AD rated flyer is EXTREMELY difficult to get prk/lasik correction done because if your unit is anyway in the fight, you'll never have time because of the high ops tempo. I've seen that stated before on the forum and it is definitely true. I've got a bit of pull as I have just over 6 months before I PCS.
Cheers all and fly safe!