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Everything posted by 13BSAM

  1. Check this website out USAF-RS, it will have all the details you need, as well as AFI 48-123 chapter 12 regarding refractive surgery. To answer your question, yes you can get PRK after you've been hired, but the process is different and will effect your flight status.
  2. I Just recently got off the phone with the APM in Wright-Patterson regarding the 12-month post-refractive surgery vision requirement for any refractive surgery proceeding for an initial FC1 medical. The air force's stance on this requirement is "EXTREMELY" strict on the12 months. She told me the chances of me getting an age waiver is higher than getting the 12-month post CRS requirement waived (wavied as in able to apply for the FC1 before the 12-months is met) for an initial FC1. Now, that being said doesn't mean you can't try to get a waiver from the MAJCOM/SG but don't count it. For any of you prk/lasik hopefuls want to get that FC1, good luck.
  3. DDebate thanks. I made some phone calls to Andrews and the USAFA RS centers for some answers and got it clarified that typically trained AASD personnel return to flying status after 6 weeks. I guess the healing time is pretty consistent then for most patients. I'm gonna try USAFA one more time and see specifically about the FC1 application.
  4. DDbate: I found the memo https://airforcemedicine.afms.mil/idc/groups/public/documents/afms/ctb_089044.pdf albeit VERY old, that stated specifically, page 6 5.1 JSUPT applicants may apply for FC1 PRK waiver as soon as 3 months post-PRK... (note this is an exception to the 12 month post-prk requirement). Has anyone been able to find an updated memo similar to this one? Thanks!
  5. Hey thanks for the info, ddebate and BLR. I'm a priority 1 canidate for the surgery if I can get my sq/cc to approve it (yay being aircrew) so the wait isn't as long as you stated. At my base there was a dentist who got it done within 2 months from the moment the med sq/cc gave him the go ahead and he's a priority 3 category. I'm stationed overseas USAFE. I do fall out of the waiverable limits for FC1. -6.00 and -5.50 diopters unless I misinterpreted the wavier guide :( I've read some random forums across the other aviation networks and have seen members say they got a waiver post refractive surgery at 3-months to apply for the FC1 (not certain if they were just referring to returning to flying status though :-/ ). All these guys were active duty. I actually spoke with a buddy of mine who got picked up in the 2012 AD UPT selection who didnt complete his FC1 at the time he submitted his package, but he got his sq/cc to memo the reason behind it and had it completed prior to the board meeting. But in the end I'm thinking based on what most people experience I'd have to wait 1 year post prk to even be considered or am I wrong?
  6. Hi all, can someone clearly explain how the AD vision waiver process would work from the moment you got your CC's signature to the date you apply for your FC1 medical? I've been reading alot of conflicting info as the usaf-crs program has changed the rules at least 4 times in the last 5 years. thanks! --SAM
  7. Hi all, new to the forum. I'm currently AD and am wondering how the FC1 waiver process goes for PRK recipients. I would like to submit for the next AD UPT selection board but need PRK. Is there a specific time after PRK you can apply for the FC1? I've read that you can only do it 12 months after the date of the surgery (dated info), but I've also that you can apply 3 months post PRK for the FC1 on a waiver. What is the case? Can you go ahead with the FC1 do everything but the eye portion until the PRK heals? Thats also another question? My Sq/CC basically wants to know these as well as it is basically the go/no-go decision to get the commander approval for myself. FYI, being an AD rated flyer is EXTREMELY difficult to get prk/lasik correction done because if your unit is anyway in the fight, you'll never have time because of the high ops tempo. I've seen that stated before on the forum and it is definitely true. I've got a bit of pull as I have just over 6 months before I PCS. Cheers all and fly safe! --Sam
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