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Kenny Powers

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Everything posted by Kenny Powers

  1. Pretty sure this is the extent of what our finance office said too.
  2. 900 days? Holy shit. Side note, why can I say shit but not ? Ops test: ass, , cock, bitch, .
  3. Same. I figure I'll forget about it (already had until reading this again) and then someday, poof, they figure it out and I get a bunch of back pay.
  4. Due to the way the air flows around the canopy, a low pressure area is created on the front of the canopy, right where you'd be trying to look for the runway when flying an ILS, which cause water to just build up and pool there. At least I think that's the science behind it but what it comes down to is it looks like driving through the rain with no windshield wipers on your car. But it doesn't always happen, not sure what other CFs need to be present.
  5. Maybe. But it's better than 99% of BBQ in the country and it's in NM. Definitely worth the trip in my opinion.
  6. Continue flying whatever aircraft you just finished flying at UPT. Find empty pits on the schedule and go talk to the IP and see if he/she is cool with you tagging along. If you're a fighter dude then go sand bag rides at an IFF squadron. It was no problem to do a few years back when I went through at SPS, can't imagine it being an issue at any other base.
  7. Some one better live stream all the tears...
  8. So what if you don't want to go to the airlines or get a PhD, want to be home every night, and don't want to work 16 hours a day? Fighter type with engineering degree/experience.
  9. I'm pretty sure this did not happen. I've been out here TDY for a little over a week and haven't heard anything like that. I think one did blow a tire or have some malfunction after landing the other day but that's all I've heard.
  10. It's all fun and games until the defensive egg goes ballistic as you're gunning him and takes away your lag option...highly effective though if you don't get the kill right then and there.
  11. The glass half full perspective is that I've learned I can say fuck using the website. Probably never go back.
  12. You are quite the cyber warrior, but you missed a few critical steps: 1. Don't open the email link. 2. Remove your CAC from the computer. 3. Alert your security manager. And don't take any CDs from your coworkers, they're all trying to fuck you over.
  13. Not sure if it matters but the website works fine on my phone, just the baseops.net and tapatalk apps giving the error.
  14. Negative. It worked forever on my phone then stopped about a week ago.
  15. Having the same issue with the tapatalk and baseops.net app. Get a CSFR fail or something like that when I try to log back in to Base Ops on either. Can still see posts but only as a guest. Samsung Galaxy phone.
  16. My guess is that would cause even more 11Fs to jump ship, if that's possible. 11Fs, just like everyone else I'm sure, want less bullshit jobs so they can spend more time focusing on their primary job of being a fighter pilot. Not to say this the wrong way but flying drones would become a huge additional duty. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  17. That means you gotta front the strippers. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  18. The real question is, can he get his own ATIS? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  19. Agreed. Eventually, what separates the good from the really good in this business is brain power. Some guys can read a book once and memorize it, categorize the info, and recall it when needed. Others have to study it over and over, every time the squadron enters a new phase of training, and then are still likely to mess it up during the execution. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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