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El Guapo

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Everything posted by El Guapo

  1. Anyone know anyone currently doing or that has done the Selective Service gig? I'm considering finishing up my 20 as an ALO, CAP, or possibly SS. TIA
  2. Up $576 in San Francisco for 0-4 w/ dep which brings us to $5310 now. For years Manhattan had the highest rates I had seen but we are now 600 bucks up on NYC. Wondering if anyone knows of a higher zip in the US than SF?
  3. Pre-check will show up on a mobile boarding pass or app boarding pass. It needs to be on the boarding pass, don't bother trying to just flash your CAC card or global entry ID.
  4. Possible cell phone video of the plane coming down. RIP https://www.kxly.com/news/spokane-news/cell-phone-video-may-have-captured-deadly-kc135-crash/-/101214/20654806/-/38as9b/-/index.html
  5. El Guapo

    Gun Talk

    Currently there are only 5 permits in the city issued to non law enforcement. Only criminals are allowed to walk the streets with a gun here. Up until 2005, there were only 10 permits allowed to be out at any given time, and you have to be either a celebrity or a serious campaign contributor. Standard ops.
  6. El Guapo

    Gun Talk

    My girlfriend just told me she wants to get a gun to keep in her nightstand for when I'm not around. She got a gun pulled out on her over a year ago walking down the street in a very upscale neighborhood at 7 PM by a guy on parole, and the trial is still pending, but that's a whole other story. I'm not sure what to set her up with so I'd appreciate some suggestions. We live in San Francisco so a concealed weapon permit is not an option. She hasn't shot much, but I plan on taking her to the range and getting her real comfortable with whatever she gets obviously. I'm leaning toward a S & W 38 special. I know a shotgun is perfect for a chick alone but I really think for us a revolver in a nightstand next to her is a better option. Thoughts?
  7. Has anyone been able to get their CAC reader to work on a MAC not using a windows partition, just plain ole OS X?
  8. When in a cell, when does lead pass the AA Tacan to 2? Us heavy guys don't see a cell often, but lately I've been on several locals where we have. Everyone seems to be passing the AA at different times. Couldn't find it in any tanker manuals. Just curious.
  9. I'm switching reserve squadrons from the east coast to west coast. Anyone ever done the move out of pocket? I'm not doing the U-haul thing, I'm trying to find a full-service company possibly with a military discount. I haven't hit up TMO yet but was hoping someone had some experiences to share, it's definitely going to be a pain in the ass no matter how it's done.
  10. Anyone have a good poc to set up a fishing trip at Diego. I wanted to set something up before we get down there.
  11. Wisdom???WTF? It's bad luck that the guy fell and had to have surgery. What's to learn? I guess you'd be a bitch and let some dude bang your wife while you watch. Grow some balls.
  12. Chris is good $hit. I hope big blue has his back but I would bet the farm they will hang him out to dry. Hopefully the guy he roughed up won't take him for everything he's worth. Something like this can pretty much happen to anyone any given night of the week. Some prick rich kid with a popped collar can't hold his liquor and starts fukin with the girls and needs to be showed the door. What a shame.
  13. It's probably because in my days off I'd rather be fishing instead of flying a local. No one said you're gonna get a gravy schedule day 1 at the airlines. I'd sure as hell rather be at the bottom of a seniority list at 30 than 55. It also depends on your airframe and what kind of squadron you're in and what the culture is like. Mine is run by airline pilots for airline pilots. There's very little BS, just get your 1 and 1 each month and everyone's happy. No mandatory UTA's, etc. Point is, 22 days a month is way too much IMHO to work at any job. I've never met an airline pilot that works 22 days a month without wanting to. The whole idea is to work as little as possible.
  14. If you want to start a family right now I'd say go ART. It is probably one of the best flying gigs if you have a wife and kids you like and don't like to be on the road much. The airlines can still be a good gig though. To me the ART schedule sucks. M-F, 7:30-4:30 is for bankers. The airlines give you total flexibility with your schedule. You can do day out and backs or 2 weeks on 2 weeks off like I do. It might take a little seniority but every day you are at the ART desk is a seniority number you're losing at the airlines. Yea pay cuts and work rules are not what they used to be but I still think it's a great job. Most important thing IMHO right now is to go wherever you will get the most PIC time as quickly as possible.
  15. I'm going down to Santiago in a couple days for a 3 day L/O. I read the TDY gouge; anyone got any other suggestions for things to do, places to see? I'm not sure where we're staying.
  16. a few weeks ago I was able to listen to 660 AM which is an east coast sports freq , all the way across the pond, until about an hour out from Shanwick
  17. I log all my primary time in the C-5 as PIC and my secondary as SIC. Not all airlines require you to have the A code in order to log PIC. I have several buddies that have used the above method of logging and have recently gone to airline interviews and were not questioned. It is not shady at all to log PIC without being an AC. I do not add any conversion to my logbook because that is all airline specific. Some ad .2, some .3, some multiply total time by 1.2 some do nothing at all.
  18. I actually talked to a guy that got turned away because he didn't have a copy of his last page of his logbook to prove his hours. I didn't even bring my logbook however, I just put down my hours and that was that. I guess it depends on where you take it.
  19. When i took my FC1 the first time I was called back to retake another cholesterol test. I was told it was "higher than what the AF likes to see". Anything over 200 and you need to come back. I had 224. I retook it a week later and it was 199. Today, 7 months later, I tested myself with some kit I bought at Walgreens and it was 234. I'm off to OTS in Nov and SUPT soon thereafter. Is this something that could get me in trouble at Brooks or OTS?
  20. The bat test is NOT difficult. It is a game. You will be locked in a romm by yourself. Just get comfortable. You are given a practice period for each part. It really is nothing to sweat, there is nothing you can do to prepare for it, maybe playing a video game but I doubt it'll make a difference, just be rested and sharp.
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