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Topper14 last won the day on December 4 2019

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  1. The 121st FS, DC ANG, flying F-16s out of Andrews AFB is having a UPT Board in May 2020 timeframe. Application submission has opened on our wing website with a deadline of 31 March. See link below. If you have any questions, PM me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Best of luck to all! Guardian Pride! - Holster https://www.113wg.ang.af.mil/Portals/12/121FS%202019%20UPT%20Guide-%20%201%20Dec%202019.pdf
  2. To those that want to become a fighter pilot, the 121st Fighter Squadron, DC ANG, out of Andrews AFB, is hiring for UPT. Check out the Careers section on our website for more information (link posted below). Application deadline is 31 March. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Tentative UPT Board will be in May. Best of luck to all. https://www.113wg.ang.af.mil/Resources/Careers/ Cheers, Holster
  3. Best answer I can give is to just put together the best application package you can and let us worry about the age waiver. Best of luck!
  4. The DC ANG (121st FS - Andrews AFB) will be conducting a UPT Board in May 2018 for a FY2019 UPT slot. Please, keep an eye on the 113th Wing website under "Resources - Careers" for more details. The UPT Board post should appear on the website within the next week. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Good luck to all of those applying!
  5. The DCANG (121FS) is hiring up to three DSG positions, one full-time technician, and potentially one AGR resource. Jobs are advertised on the 113 WG careers website (https://www.113wg.ang.af.mil/Resources/Careers/). F-16 qual'd pilots are the preference, however, we will consider other MDS's. If interested, follow instructions on the 113th Wing website and email the appropriate documents to usaf.dc.113-wg.mbx.113wg-dcang-upt@mail.mil. Expect interviews to take place 22-23 Feb 2018. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Cheers
  6. In regards to the issues people have been experiencing while submitting their application packages to the DC ANG, 121st FS: NOTE: Due to a discrepancy on the UPT Guide the deadline for the UPT board has been extended to Tuesday, April 4, 2017 (before midnight). Please send directly to: usaf.dc.113-wg.mbx.113wg-dcang-upt@mail.mil to be considered. You will get a response "received" within 48 hours. Please call 202-327-1397 if you have any questions. If you call and there is no answer, please leave a detailed voicemail. Thank you!
  7. I would still send in an application package and let the board figure that out.
  8. The DC ANG, 121st FS is now accepting applications for an upcoming UPT Board. Applications are due by March 26th. The link below should answer any questions regarding the process. Good Luck! https://www.113wg.ang.af.mil/Portals/12/documents/DCANG UPT Guide Application Package - updated 9 Feb 2017.pdf?ver=2017-02-28-074514-200
  9. The 121st FS (DC ANG) out of Andrews AFB is having a board this December. Straight from their website: "The 121st Fighter Squadron will be accepting applications between 1 Aug 2014 - 30 Sep 2014. Boards will be held in December 2014." Check out their page: https://www.113wg.ang.af.mil/careers/
  10. Recent AMS 13-04 grad. Got dates a couple weeks ago....march 2014 @ sheppard.
  11. I'll be in the March AMS class. You heading down the Saturday before to get things squared away ahead of time?
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