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  1. Not Friday, but a worthwhile read. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3515972/biden-awards-medal-of-honor-to-pilot-who-rescued-soldiers-during-vietnam-war/ "On the night of June 18, 1968, near the hamlet of Ap Go Cong, South Vietnam, then-Army 1st Lt. Taylor was flying an AH1-G Cobra attack helicopter when he received a radio call for help.."
  2. For anyone with Chicago Tribune access or time to peruse NationalWW2Museum.org ("US Military by the Numbers"). Ron Grossman's 7 May essay on a Chicago Midway B-24 crash covers two frequent BaseOps themes: flight training and Ops Squadron vs. AETC IP. Depending on which online source you cite, Army Air Corps training deaths (1939-1945) ranged between 13,000 and 15,000. Whether you're looking at flight training through a Flight Safety or a Quantity vs. Quality lens, both items are worth a read. Fly Safe!
  3. Crowdsource Advice. // Airline hopeful with sufficient hours, resume bullets, and recommendations. Currently deployed to 6-month non-flying gig, 20.5Y Time in Service, and retirement-eligible 4 months after return. OpsTempo and comm issues severely limit access to Apps and Interview Prep. // Thoughts on redeployment: (1) Punch ASAP. Autonomy, but limited recency and rush through VA-Retirement admin, (2) Remain another 6 months. Potential line flying (Qualified, Non-Current) but unsure how Home Station will address return on investment, i.e. fear of “you’re dead to us” message. (3) Remain another year. More flying, but farther from an interview. // Thanks in advance for your insight and points of view!
  4. Thanks for this timely thread. During Mental Health First Aid Instructor training, I learned that -at a minimum- the following are available: (1) Chaplain - as StrikeOut mentioned, completely confidential, (2) Military OneSource Providers - 12 free confidential sessions, (3) Bro network, (4) Out-of-pocket provider and, of course, (5) Base Clinic - DNIF being a distinct possibility. It's not a counseling service, per se, but on-base an Mental Health First Aid class is an opportunity to meet folks who care about these types of issues or are experiencing them themselves. It's also a civilian clothes, first name basis class that can lead to more informal support. That and Leadership should consider it an alternate duty location. For those who want long-term help but are worried about DNIF, look up DoD Accession Disqualifying and Air Force DNIF-ing conditions - all Public Doman. I'm not a provider, but am of the opinion that "if the issue is serious" it's probably going to manifest itself in flying or elsewhere in Air Force life. That is, if you're honest with your bro's and the ORM sheet... Take care and Fly Safe!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am3Q2LsPIk4 NTSB Board Meeting posted to YouTube.
  6. CJTF-OIR Spokesman Twitter feed: June 8, appx. 10:10 pm (Iraq time), a U.S. Air Force C-130H landing at Camp Taji Airbase, Iraq overran the runway and crashed into a wall. Small fire. 4xInjured; treated at Taji. Enemy activity NOT suspected. Investigation continues. (Link via drive.com and Twitter.)
  7. The Chronicle failed to put that 'stall' statement in context. Match the FO Hot Mic time stamp (12:38:48.0) to the Flight Data Recorder output: aircraft was over 20 degrees nose low, passing through 275 KIAS, and moments from reaching a 20,000 ft/min descent. G-dspeed fellas. Tragic CRM lesson. NTSB Docket: p.21 FDR Factual Report p.52 CVR Factual Report
  8. Not trying to establish a pattern … just wondering if, how Vrot changes for gusts or high crosswind.
  9. Three airline wingtip strikes in as many days: 10 APR ERJ-170 Takeoff @ MMCU, 10 APR A321 Takeoff @ KJFK, and 12 APR CL-600 Landing @ KERI. Details are scant, but aviation-safety.net has the remaining backstory. Thoughts, perspective from low wing flyers...?
  10. To paraphrase... Original poster blamed the load team for downloading their jet nose-first. (C.G. shifted beyond aft limit.)
  11. Milk Stool? (Credit: Aviation-Safety.net)
  12. Caveat: This is not speculation on or a comparison to past accidents. Technical perspective on a 767 Pitch Control Actuator failure and/or split control input can be found on Page 54 of NTSB's EgyptAir 900 Final Report. https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/AAB0201.pdf Fly Safe.
  13. My unwanted $ 0.02... 0+30 of Thomas Sowell would slow, maybe derail, the "under/over-represented" argument. But I suspect the good General's message relates to women (about 50% of us, right?) in AFSC's with combat leadership potential. In 1993, Secretary Wilson tackled the Women in Combat debate on TV (Firing Line, Resolved: That Women in the Military Should Be Excluded from Combat"). Perhaps Leadership is looking for a 25-year milestone.
  14. USNO solar table + Frontier route map + Google Earth = Check the Whitney Ranch Rec Center closed circuit TV, 1415-1545L, 28 January. Just a guess.
  15. Not the gravity of the last couple videos, but... 60th ALPA Air Safety Forum. Skip to 16:42 for a Cargo Hold Fire "there I was" ... the guy has a knack for storytelling. Happy New Year
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