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  1. The Boston guy is still listed on the FAA website as a DPE for ATP. He has always been notoriously hard to get in touch with. If you reach him, schedule everything right then! It's an honest check with a guy with great stories!
  2. I'm up for renewal in December for TS. Finished the paperwork online last week of Sept. Interviewed on 02 OCT. All interviews were done that week and now I'm just awaiting adjudication. Sometimes it goes fast!
  3. Airline training would cover all of those requirements, but you have to get to that training. Most airlines use web based apps now and they won't accept your app/profile without an ATP, Class 1 medical, etc. being an ATP holder will soon be a requirement to be an airline copilot, so it will be one of the screening tools of the airlines.
  4. I'm at 15 years, but it was a good time to get the ATP done. If you have the time/$$$, why not? It just makes the job search during the transition a bit easier if you don't have to worry about adding the ATP. The rule change that is pending is the one that requires all airline pilot (Captains & First Officer) to be an ATP. Many of the FO's at the regionals do not yet qualify for the ATP and may not be able to get the PIC requirements (1500 hours) before the new rules take effect in 2014. At the same time, the FAA may choose to update & change the ATP standards. Those changes will not make it easier to get an ATP as the requirements are now in the law vs in FAA regs.
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