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Everything posted by iFlyTexans

  1. Those may be the mins, but they are trying to scoop up as many people that are "qualified" at this point. Not many left besides furloughed and laid off regional pilots at this point. The regional puddle jumper days are over. They will find a small amount of those people who max the mins, but mostly it is recycled pilots from Eagle, Pinnacle and Comair (RIP). The rest that are qualified are 135 dudes that meet and exceed the times. Most guys getting hired these days are well over 2000 hrs TT and have jet time. That has been my experience. The days of wet commercials are over. And the closer to AUG 13 we get the hiring min's have to go up because they would have to fire people who can't hold the ATP.
  2. The departing runway has an ODP...even if they were single engine the 310 can fly single engine at ~500'/min no prob w/ only 3 pax...something tells me they were just stupid or had bad luck. Short field take off anyone?
  3. "Galactic Game". ...dear lord... "2"
  4. Errr...ummmm...Well...gent's things could be worse...Hey! We could look at this as the war against SNAPS! Ehh????
  5. 2
  6. Why is it when I tell civi's about this stuff, they think...."jalapeno popcorn, that sounds nasty". Does anyone else get that reaction? If they only knew the greatness!
  7. Ahhh....fun w/ photoshop....
  8. Lets see...$ Ride in the mighty Texan. We go out to the area to do a get familiar w/ the jet, and of course my IP is interested in showing me what the jet is made of. We proceed to do some of my first ever acro. Fun stuff. Upside down, pulling G's...wow this is fun stuff right? OK, fun over, do the recovery back to Moody. Starting to feel a little tingle..."Turn on the A/C he says." Ok, I can make it :rolleyes: Got the A/C going, flying the jet onto the 45 to initial. Going green fast. I roll onto initial....oh boy, here it comes. I am now about a 5 mi final..."uhhh...sir...your jet." Almost made it...DNIF'd after my first ride...lame. Second flight, determined not to puke. FFWD to the full stop landing. Cleared the active...I've made it, but I am feeling a bit queasy still...reaching for my puke bag...no, screw this...going to be a man and...put my hand over my mouth creating the best seal ever w/ the good 'ol flight gloves. Yep, I shouldn't have ate those two burgers from the bbq at lunch. Good thing they were not digested, because they came back up tasting the same way they went down (sts). No evidence, no foul, no DNIF. Most discussing moment of my life...scarfing down my own vomit. All in the name of b-chair avoidance. Cheers-ugh...
  9. ...."And since a ride wont be in order, maybe just a lovely xmas card photo oppertunity???" Do me a favor and send me an xmas card when ya get a chance...ohhh and some boneless wings and beer would be great to, along w/ that blond at the end of the wing bar.
  10. Cool, thanks for all the info. I have seen the log books at clothing sales, so I think I will pick one up and start logging away. Thanks!
  11. Just wondering how you can go about logging your flight time in a log book or something while going through UPT. Does anyone do it? I heard some people do, but no one in my flight knows how to go about it. Thanks
  12. How big of an impact do your test scores in phase I have on your track select? It seems that your skills as a pilot determine what you will get for follow-on...is that a correct assumption? Thanks!
  13. In AFROTC, we were allowed to join CAP and pay $15 for 8 hours of flight time. 4 in the front seat and 4 in the back. The flights were orientations, so we did not actully get lessons. The CAP pilot took off and landed, but we were able to do the rest. It was fun! You can't log the time unless the CAP pilot is a CFI, but that is not too likely. Good luck flying!
  14. It is your first ride while you are in UPT. I don't think they make a big deal about it after you move onto your next AC, but don't quote me...I have only been in UPT a couple weeks.
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