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Ram last won the day on July 6 2018

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. Brain freeze would first require a brain… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah, +1 to all of this. Reddit is just another echo chamber. Trash. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. FYSA, you can do 2 years with CSP at Osan and still update your short tour return date and short tour count. I didn’t believe it, but I just returned to the CONUS from a CSP tour at Osan, and vMPF updated my date. Might wanna check that out... Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  4. Yeah, seems like he had gone out and then back in a couple times, huh? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  5. They’re TXing to Fat Amy. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  6. Brabus, that was a day that started out terrible and ended well. Glad you were on scene.
  7. WIC grads in exec positions is definitely NOT the standard in the CAF. Seems like a phenomenon only in the MAF. Could it possibly be true that the old FWIC concept was unnecessarily watered-down by the “everyone gets a trophy” mentality when operators of every MDS got a seat at the table? I mean, if your wing/MDS can spare target arms for non-W prefix work, doesn’t that make them superfluous? (Yeah yeah, burn the witch...I know...)
  8. A little grammatical correction yields the truth: “Mission first, people! Always!”
  9. No more ADOs in the CAF. I’m at a certain PACAF fighter base where every FGO in the OG is either a DO or CC, and we are sub-80% manned.
  10. I see this happen all the time with members of the MXG here in Korea. Usually the FSS just extends their DEROS, and the MXG middle management (junior NCOs) in charge of those young airmen don't mind, because they keep their "bodies" around. I saw a guy PCS 3 months after his original DEROS, and only after a high-speed Top-3 buddy of mine overheard his story and started advocating for him. Then we got to watch everyone act all surprised: "WHAT??? THAT'S HAPPENING HERE???" GMAFB. When overseas on a remote, playing chicken with the FSS doesn't end well. It **SHOULD** result in people getting fired, but leadership on that side of the flightline has been broken for so long, you can't expect much.
  11. I feel bad for whoever gets fragged for this SIB. Not only do they lose a month+ of flying, but they have to listen to Raptor dudes refer to their jet in the 3rd person. ("And then, Raptor did....")
  12. Cajun was the best of us. This is a huge shock. Nickel in the grass, Big Cat. You’ll be missed.
  13. About 36.9% better. There’s a “one car per household” rule here, so the majority of accompanied pilots I know are forced to moto/scoot to work so CINCHOUSE can shuttle kids around. #pilotshortage
  14. Osan just got a huge batch (some without the chest hole for combat edge, which is useless anyway) and all pilots are wearing them. They’re fukkin great. Also got the matching pants, which helps because I motorcycle to work when it’s 3.6 degrees out.
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