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Everything posted by Ram

  1. nsplayr wins the thread. But yeah, two minutes after getting THAT gift, I'll be hoping for a Blu-Ray player, some Rock Band action (don't scoff...it's AWESOME when you're drunk), and probably some clothes my wife will pick for me. And then I'd like another beeeej.
  2. Ram


    Try referencing the syllabus.
  3. Ah, I'm retarded. Obviously, this is why you meant "crewed aircraft only." Mah bad. As far as the "transition from gauges to visual" goes, all of that is MUCH more easier when the LOC/GS and Flight Director are all up in the HUD, along with A/S and ALT. Just stare through the flight path marker and data, and the runway appears in the HUD glass. In essense, "put the thing on the thing on the thing" and land. No big whoop. :)
  4. I'll caveat this post by saying that I'm NOT a crew-airplane bubba. My idea of a "monitored approach" is to fly a non-radar approach while a qualified radar controller on the ground monitors my alignment/glidepath to back me up in poor Wx/visibility. I'll comment from that perspective. If it's not what you need, disregard everything after "hello." Some bases have a local reg that recommends monitoring (when available) when Wx is below a set minimum. I've done a couple of these, and it's no big deal...you just get handed off to a final controller freq (much like a PAR/ASR), check-in with the controller, and fly your approach. The level of "controller intervention" has been a little different almost every time I've flown with monitoring. Some controllers will give you an advisory "approaching glidepath, wheels should be down" and others will pipe-up when you're a bit off the localizer. Other controllers will just STFU and only key the mic when they see you doing something that appears dangerous...and this is what I prefer (if I wanted a PAR, I would have asked for one). Most of the time, I like the idea of a monitored approach. For a single-seat guy like me, it's one more guy in the loop who can QC what I'm doing and make sure I go home to my wife that night. If my nav gear goes tits-up inside the FAF, it's especially nice to have the controller ready to take over (if he's qualified). Back when I was an IP at Sheppard, we'd have PAR-qualified controllers monitoring our solo students at night as they flew their ILS. Again...I think it was great to have another guy watching what was going on to make sure that unrated solo guys with less than 5 total night hours wouldn't smack their T-38s into the ground.
  5. When I read this story, this guy's face popped into my cranium...just because I was thinking "I bet it was that guy," but I didn't have a face to go with the memory of the name. After seeing that MySpace photo, it looks like my hunch was correct.
  6. You're right...the way the article is worded is very misleading. I hadn't watched the video. That changes things a lot. What kind of a dude takes a chick to RT on a date? The same kind that fills-out a job application at SERE Solutions.
  7. My biggest question is how the FUCK did this guy think he was going to get away with it when EVERYTHING there is recorded on video? Also, these guys are subject to all kinds of crazy psychological testing on a pretty frequent basis...just to make sure they're "right" for the job. If Big Blue handles this the wrong way, it's bye-bye to a really great training program.
  8. I was very disappointed that this thread wasn't about her: Oh well...
  9. Find someone who will do it. Mardon sucks sometimes. I'm sure there are lots of members who can make recommendations. OR...MAYBE...JUST A RANDOM THOUGHT HERE...you can SEARCH for a similar subject and there might be some great info SOMEWHERE on this board.
  10. I don't read kingpin's posts.
  11. I'm leaving for Osan in a month. Hoss, is this the fucking buffoonery I can look forward to? Post her name so I know to avoid this chick like the plague.
  12. BDU wearers can eat shit if they want to criticize me for wearing my sleeves up. I roll them down before stepping to the jet. Unless they're an O-6, higher ranking flier, or someone who just saw the OG/CC walk into the squadron and wants to keep me from getting yelled-at, my reply is always a standard "NOTED" with all the fucking sarcasm I can muster.
  13. +1 on calling the TMO QA rep. Every move I've done, I've been handed a business card with the "TMO Cell Phone" number. Had a problem once, called the cell, and a rep was at the house in 30 minutes to check things out. Take a shitload of pictures, and make sure you get your voice heard at the TMO office before you leave. Have names, times, and evidence ready when it's time to plead your case. Don't forget to leave a comment card at the TMO office. Commanders/supervisors see those cards...especially the "creative" cards that include documentation.
  14. WOW - FRESH FROM 2005! https://www.snopes.com/politics/military/wakeup.asp I don't feel like searching, but I know this was posted here WAY long ago...
  15. They're called the Patriot Guard Riders (or similar), if I recall correctly.
  16. ...and the lesbian wasn't hot AT ALL.
  17. I did the Nellis airshow back in '07. One night after hours, me and a couple other bros went to Fremont Street to gamble/drink/sin/look at naked girls...and we saw the USAF 60th anniversary logo on the Freemont overhead screen (if you've been there you know what I'm talking about). We tried to figure out what was going on, and then we saw the stage. We showed-up just as TIB was starting to perform. So there I was ("NO SHIT...tell us about it, motherfucker!"), at a TIB show, INVOLUNTARILY (the stage was blocking access to the rest of the casinos we wanted to see. And we're hammered. What else was I to do, other than stand there and heckle for 30 minutes. Never in the history of man have the phrases "CHOKE YOURSELVES" and "EAT A DICK, HOMOS" been shouted so much, so loudly, by so precious few. Every little bit helps. Do your part to rid the world of this crap.
  18. Successful troll is successful.
  19. Ram

    F-16 VS F-15

    Do you want a fucking answer? Here you go, broseph: BVR: Discussing in detail is impossible because there's too much risk of talking classified shit. WVR: It depends. Happy now?
  20. Why not let everyone pick their own song?
  21. Ram

    F-16 VS F-15

    ...only when his Walkman is on. This thread has what I like to call P O T E N T I A L. Maybe.
  22. M2 - is it you who has a little "riot act" booklet or something you carry around for such situations? I remember reading about some old-cranium on the site who has a little card he keeps in his wallet for just this kind of a situation. It had articles of the UCMJ on it for quoting...when the right situation came up, of course. A quick reference for all young LTs to know their "rights" and responsibilities under the UCMJ would be useful for stuff like this, methinks.
  23. Ram

    Gun Talk

    Hey fellas - a bit off topic from the current ammo crisis (which is a BITCH, btw)... I'm PCSing to Osan in September for a one-year unaccompanied. I want to take my H&K P2000 (9mm). Has anyone ever done something like that? I imagine I'd have to keep the gun on base, and that's not a problem. I just want to shoot while I'm in Korea so I don't get shitty at it. Thanks!
  24. What? All I heard was "MOO."
  25. I did IFF at Sheppard back in the Summer of '08. Future Eagle guys used the LCOS, and future Viper guys used the Funnel. All the IPs were well-versed in the uses of both types of symbology, and both types of symbology were taught in academics. As a future (current) Viper guy, I never personally flew with the LCOS.
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