We had one slot. The email went out, I volunteered, and the slot went to a captain in OGV. (No ill will...he's a buddy of mine...)
"uh...Lt XXXXXX, you want to go? Uh...that's cute..." <that's the impression I got.
Sure, you have to be an IP, but think "MWS IP"
It figures Someone in my SQ leadership actually got upset when I proposed to go T-3 XC somewhere that had only 8000' runways. I guess "Can a FAIP land there" was actually a question tossed around by him at the staff meeting. YGBSM. I didn't know my Form 8 was conditional upon the fact I'd only use 10+K' runways.
I heard that and rolled my eyes so hard my retinas snapped. It goes on and on...