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Everything posted by aspec

  1. aspec

    Cross Fit

    I don't do CrossFit regularly but I'll do one of the named WOD's every once in a while. The workouts definitely kick my ass both cardio and strength wise. Some of the workouts I modify though since most the gyms I've been to (both on and off base) don't have what you need (rings, pull-up bars next to free weights, kettlebells, etc.).
  2. Sadly, most of the cadets in AFROTC have no phucking clue on the USAF aircraft inventory. I'm not talking specifics but I could post a picture of a Su-25 and people would call it an F-22. I do recall having a test on USAF aircraft recognition back in AFROTC (the only test worth taking) but again, 90% of the class put F-22 for all their answers. A few even put down the F-14 for pictures of the Eagle, Viper, etc.
  3. A friend just had a filling done at the base dentist and said it was a pretty horrible experience, not to mention they use metal fillings versus ceramics. I know ceramic is a little more expensive but they should have at least given him a choice. I just cancelled my appointment since I'm planning to get it done off base and the Airman working the desk tells me I'll have to pay for it on my own if I get it done off base and also, "I'll put a note in your record.", whatever the hell that means. <five minutes later> Now the dentist who was suppose to do the procedure calls me trying to convince me to reconsider. I just told him it's nothing against them, they did a great job explaining the risks and post-op recovery process but that I just rather have it done at an oral surgeon and put under. Anyways, do most oral surgeons accept TRICARE? I'm guessing there is only a certain amount up to what TRICARE will pay for the operation, but I'm not too concerned if I have to pay a little bit out of my pocket on top of it. Hopefully it's not a huge amount though.
  4. I've had a couple friends tell me the same thing (avoid military dentist at all cost). I'm down here in Columbus so going off base might not be much better. I guess I could head out to Atlanta or another major city which should have a larger selection of oral surgeons to choose from. As of now, my bottom wisdom teeth are growing in fine but they're still under the skin. However, my top ones are about half way out and impacted. They don't bother me at all (Brooks didn't seem to thing they were an issue two years ago) but I figured I would get them pulled prior to UPT just incase they do cause any issues.
  5. Two of my wisdom teeth are impacted (top) and the bottom two are normal. However, my civilian dentist recommended I get them pulled but I never got around to it. Well, I'm at my UPT base now and had a dental exam/cleaning and they recommended getting them pulled out as well. I'm still on casual with many (6+) months left until I start so no worries there. My question is, if it were you, would you rather get them done by an oral surgeon or let the base dentist pull them (any experience with them)? Do most civilian oral surgens take Tricare? I'm a bit hesitent to do it on base since they don't knock you out and it's a dentist versus an oral surgeon who probably has a lot more experience with it. Last thing I want is for them to fracture my jaw (which apparently is a risk) or mess up a nerve and end up talking like 50 Cent for the rest of my life.
  6. aspec

    Smart phone

    You'd be surprised. I've seen dudes with gorilla like hands typing away on the iPhone. The auto-correction feature works pretty good too so you just sort of type away and words you mess up will usually be corrected.
  7. Just from what I remember (missing some): Columbus 09-04 (AD only) T-38 B-2 T-6 FAIP (x2) NSA T-1 C-17 E-8 C-21 KC-10 KC-135 (x2) T-1 FAIP UAV (x2) One of the UAV's might have been on the 38 side. Anyway, I'm sure someone else will post a more accurate list. Baseops.net was mentioned during the assignment night.
  8. Congrats on picking up that guard slot! I bet you're glad ROTC didn't work out. =)
  9. Reminded me of that video game back in the mid 90's called Skitchin, but then I realized they were wearing sandals... amazing. I need me some Saudi Sandals.
  10. Can't believe this thread is still alive. Posted this thread four years ago when I was just graduating high school because I was worried about my vision. Well, it's a little over four years now and I'm happy to say everything worked out. Thanks a bunch to all the people on this forum that answered my questions throughout the years (Rage and FlightDoc especially). Commissioned back in June and will be starting UPT next year. Here are my eye exam results from Brooks: 20/50 BY -1.75 S. -0.50 CX 100 20/40 BY -1.50 S. sphere CX -- Ended up not needing a waiver since I guess I was within the tolerable limits. The optometrist at Brooks really helped me get through those eye tests.
  11. aspec

    Socom 4

    I've been playing the beta a bit. I never played the previous SOCOMs so I can't really compare. Overall I think the game is okay. If any of you want to try the beta (it ends tomorrow), here's a key: GCQC-9FBA-C92J Redeem it under Account Management. It's only good for two more activations.
  12. Anyone in Columbus ride? I'm debating if I should sell my bike and current car for a newer car. Are there any tracks near Columbus or good roads to ride?
  13. I managed to "survive" Brooks but definitely needed correction to get through (depth perception was impossible for me before correction). I'll need either glasses or contacts to fly so I'm curious which you all prefer for flying, glasses or contacts. I've never worn contacts but do know a few people who wear them. It seems like it can be a hassle sometimes and not sure if I would want any of those issues to happen while flying (needing eye drops, contacts moving around, etc). Anyways, any first hand experience or input would be appreciated. Both seems like they have their pros and cons.
  14. Quick question - I've heard the military provides free MSF courses for military members. Do they provide courses for ROTC cadets as well? I'm guessing not, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. All the classes in my area are booked up until the end of August it seems. There's a few openings next month for $240, but normally it's $100.
  15. Two of my buddies have the 636 (same color too). It's a great bike in my opinion, but I still love my gixxah. ;) Personally, I'd just go with a used R6, GSXR, or 636. All of them are great bikes to start on. Just get it used and put some frame sliders on (two mistakes I made -- bought brand new and purchased frame sliders but never installed). Respect the throttle, ride like no one can see you, and you'll be fine (which I'm sure you already know).
  16. The gixxer... definitely plan on tracking it this summer.
  17. Thanks for the reply brabus and M2. I guess another alternative is to live off base and try to get an apartment or house with a garage. I'd imagine theft isn't a huge problem on base but no telling these days...
  18. While we're on this topic, what about bikes (sport bikes)? Do most bases usually have some sort of garage you can rent to store it in or do you have to park it outside? Also, this might be a stupid question but is theft a big problem on base? I might just sell it before I commission but a lot of bases seem to be located in places that are great for riding.
  19. You'll love the traffic here during rush hour. ;) Swingin pretty much hit the nail on the head. The area around McChord and Fort Lewis is pretty ghetto (Lakewood, Stellicom, Tacoma, etc.). I grew up in Tacoma and now I'm about thirty minutes north going to school at UW and ERAU. Anyways, if you ever have any questions about the area feel free to shoot me a PM or post here. I'm just a college student, wanna-be officer (ROTC at UW), and a pilot hopeful. I've been stuck in this damn state my entire life though.
  20. The best piece of advice is to not take anyone's advice. ;) I remember people told me "raise your hand and volunteer for everything" or "if you know how to do bed making stuff and what not you'll be very noticied". Seriously though, there is no secret to FT. Sure, tips are great to make life suck less while you're there, but it's all going to come down to your FTO. I was blessed with an FTO who 1) Didn't want to be there and seemed to care less how he ranked his cadets, 2) Thought the Air Force wasn't very "military" since we don't all shoot guns and roll around in the mud, and 3) Pronounced "stratify" as "stratisfy"... "We are not here to train you, but to stratisfy you among your peers". As for tips, just know your shit - it makes life easier. Road guard procedures, D&C, dining facility procedures, etc. It's not that hard and it's amazing how people still couldn't figure it out by TD-28. Just remember it's all a game. 341's, Form 17's... just training tools to try to mind f**k you. Do your best to keep your fist from meeting a CTAs face. I especially loved the ones who forgot they were still cadets and tried to talk as if they had years of experience as officers on active duty. Several times I wanted to bust out my seven standard responses, "Sir, may I make a statement!... You're still a cadet". FallingOsh- "-Go to church on sunday. staying in the dorm just means you get to shine shoes or vacuum or do some other BS work." I disagree. I never went to church. Instead, I closed my door and blinds and laid in bed. I'm a horrible cadet.
  21. So only PIC hours count? I couldn't sit in the right seat of a 172 with a CFI and log those?
  22. Never said he was "bonkers". I have nothing but respect for pilots. I was simply stating that screaming at the top of his lungs probably just caused him to heat up more. But after reading T38Driver's post, sounds like there wasn't much choice. But after reading Toro's post, maybe there was. Either way, my apologies if my post came across with a "punk SNAP attitude".
  23. aspec

    Shin Splints

    Although I'm sure you tried it already, shoes is what did it for me. I use to get shin splints all the time and could not figure out what it was until someone suggested new shoes. I went out and bought a new pair of running shoes of a decent quality and I have never had a problem since. Just a few months ago I was in California and forgot to bring my running shoes. Picked up a cheap pair from the Ross and nothing but shin splints the entire run. Anyways, good luck with finding a solution! They are definitely a PITA when trying to run. ;)
  24. I couldn't disagree more. If the IP is considering jettisoning his canopy, there's a serious problem. That goes WAY over the line of "just f*cking with someone."
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