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Everything posted by aspec

  1. Hahaha that's great stuff. "he chose to turn his english off and play "me no speaka"." < kudos to him, haha... poor IP though, must've been roastin'.
  2. Wow, didn't mean to stir up a storm here. Sorry about that. Thought you meant in that first post about not being able to take shots within 9000ft pure pursuit meant he was flying away from you (you on his six). Maybe it did, I dunno, doesn't really matter. ;) Was just curious if they allowed you to fire on the merge during training after watching that video. Regarding the geek Falcon 4.0 comment, well, you described me in two words. ;) Been flying/working on this game since it came out in 1999. I think you would be quite surprise at what is floating around on the internet, especially on the F-16 that cover a lot more than just tactics... Anyways, my apologies. Should have just taken taken that advice a Viper driver told me "never pass the opportunity to shut the f**k up". Just sometimes my curiosity (mostly from Falcon 4.0) gets ahead of me. [ 16. April 2006, 00:23: Message edited by: Mun ]
  3. Ah ok. Wasn't sure if counted or not if he was at 1000ft for just a second. "we have a TR that says we can't take pure pursuit missile shots inside 9000 feet" Seems like that would be the perfect shot, but I'm no pilot so who knows. ;) Out of curiosity, just something I've always wondered, does anyone ever fire on the merge (say during dogfight practice with the AIM-9's). Especially with the AIM-9X (although I'm not sure how many aircraft in the AF inventory is using them yet. Seen a few Vipers with the JHMCS so I'm assuming a few squadrons are using them), seems like that missile is pretty effective in all aspects. Not sure how effective it would be head to head though. Anyways, thanks for the info and link. That video is insane... [ 14. April 2006, 11:09: Message edited by: Mun ]
  4. Oh, I thought IDE's were required to pass in order to graduate FT. *shrug* I've never been to FT yet so what do I know. Just based on what the cadre has told us though, IDE's are less of a concern (less then what they have been I guess?). Either way, I'm not worried about them. But the five IDE's they're using are listed in the back of the FTM, so hopefully no one should have too much trouble with them.
  5. Yeah, that's correct. From what our cadre has told us, they're going to be less concerned with IDE's then they use to be. They've realized that drill & ceremonies doesn't really help with producing leaders... or something like that.
  6. I was nearly in the same position as you ShortThrow. I'm an AS200 now, but my first PFT last year was 12:44. Throughout high school I was always a sprinter. Anything longer than a mile and I thought my lungs were going to explode. About a month ago I took a PFT and managed to run a 9:50 (with the help of a friend pacin' me... but still, I some how managed to keep up). What helped me the most is running on a tread mill. I know some people hate them, but I've learned to like them. The reason being is that when I normally run outside, my pace will slow down after a mile or two. On a tread mill, I set it to roughly a 7 minute mile pace and try to run for 21 minutes (3 miles). Obviously you probably want to start out at a slower pace and improve from there. I started out somewhere around a 7mph pace and increased by .1 every day. Eventually I got up to 8.5mph (where I'm at now) and it has helped me a great deal. More importantly though, I am a firm believer that running is 75% mental. When you're running, you probably start thinking about how much it sucks (at least I do) and usually that makes you stop a LOT sooner than your body is capable of. On the treadmill, I was only able to run for about 15 minutes at a 8.5mph pace and I felt dead afterwards. Well, I invested in a MP3 player and told myself "Run for 5 songs at this pace and I'm done". I cover up the time/distance readings with a towel usually too. 5 songs later I checked the time and sure enough, I was around 21 minutes. It's like once you do it, you know you're capable of doing it so there is no excuse why you can't do it (does that make sense? haha). Breaking barriers I guess you could call it. On top of that, I lift as well which I'm sure has helped out. Also, run off the treadmill as well. If you run strictly on the treadmill, your leg muscles won't be too happy when it comes time to take the PFT (at least from my experience). A combination of both is the best, treadmill for maintaining pace and increasing endurance, running outside for building leg muscle endurance. Anyways, sorry for the long rambling. ;P Bottom line - Just keep at it. I use to think it was physically impossible for me to run long distance... like I was a defective human being or something, but just keep pushin' and you'll improve. ;) Just don't make the mistake I did these past few weeks. FTP takes up so much damn time I haven't been able to go to the gym for a while. My last PFD I ran the 1.5 in 11:28, yikes. And to think my goal is 9:00, hehe. ;) Anywho, good luck! EDIT: I'm going to start a routine like CrateofThunder posted. I've read a lot of articles from runners that mention similar routines which seem to be very effective. [ 27. February 2006, 22:35: Message edited by: Mun ]
  7. PilotKD - Bah, that's an easy one. ;P A-10 Here's a neat little cockpit, although I'm sure many will know what it is. [ 28. January 2006, 00:06: Message edited by: Mun ]
  8. Friend just sent this to me... that is freakin' hilarious. I bet the guy gets a lot of shit for it... literally. ;P
  9. Vipers in the Storm is the best book I've ever read. I think Keith Rosenkranz did an outstanding job with it and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in military aviation. Another good one I read was Strike Eagle. It is a bunch of stories from F-15E pilots during ODS. Anyone read Eye of the Viper? I was thinking about picking it up but wasn't too sure if it was any good.
  10. It is much more difficult to get a pilot slot through OTS than ROTC or the AFA. If you're in high school right now, I would recommend the ROTC route. It's not difficult and you have a much better chance of picking up a pilot slot compared to OTS. Last year the national selection rate for pilot slots in ROTC was around 52% I believe. I'm not sure if some detachments just had a horrible selection rate but the ones I know of, including the one I'm at, have all had a 60-70%+ selection rate, which is very good if you ask me. AFA is also another route, but that is if you want to live that type of life style for four years. Either way you go, you'll end up with gold bars when you graduate and hopefully doing what you wanted to. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  11. Haha, B... your fault for having friends from the Zoo! ;P Just playin'. Academy cadets are cool. I saw a group at Columbus AFB on my PDT that were about 19-20, all of which were drinking beer at the bowling ally. Our POC (Lt Col) saw that and had a little "talk" with them. Of course on Columbus it is legal to drink at the age of 18 (one of the only two bases left that allow this I think) but the fact they were all drinking and planning to drive a government van back to where they were staying = unhappy Lt Col. Good times, wonder what ever happened to them. Anyways, good luck with whoever it is. ;P I can't stand people who think they are better than everyone (you and I both, lol... even a little bit of it in ROTC). Oh well, what can you do. Just compliment them on how "hardcore" they are and maybe their head will get big enough and explode. ;)
  12. There is no age requirement as far as I know. Last I heard it was recommended that you don't get PRK until you are at least 21 due to the fact your eyes might still be "growing", but no minimum age before the Air Force will accept it. Maybe if you're trying to get it done through the Air Force you have to be 21? But Rage probably knows much better than I. They might have changed it recently... [ 17. October 2005, 17:22: Message edited by: Eluzion ]
  13. Pshhh. I do that in flight simulator all the time. ;P That is insane. Hands on Stick and Ejection Handle? hehe Wxpunk - It's a WMV (version 9) codec I think. You are on Windows, yeah? Might want to try opening Windows Media Player and trying to Open by URL. This is the URL of the video: https://x400.putfile.com/videos/b2-24210380760.wmv
  14. aspec

    MiG-29 OVT

    I'm guessing you fly the F-15C's EvilEagle? Are you all using the JHMCS and AIM-9X now? I watched a video of the AIM-9X and that thing makes my jaw drop. Same with the Python-5. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of one of those missiles.
  15. That is freakin' sweet! Best of luck to you! I think I'll get back into the SCM one of these days when I'm not as lazy. ;P
  16. aspec

    MiG-29 OVT

    Interesting. All-axis thrust-vectoring. I remember reading an article last year about the F-16's vs. the MiG-29's in simulated dog fights. The MiG-29 had superb control at low speeds and high AOA, but as long as the F-16's kept up around corner speed (around 400kts if Im not mistaken, give or take 20kts depending on altitude), they wooped the Fulcrums all day long. Also the Fulcrums had very poor avionics and visibility compared to the F-16. The 29 is definatly an interesing plane though. I'll have to check out that video when I get home (these 5 hour classes at ERAU extended campus suck, hehe).
  17. Yeah, I'm hoping the neg. driving second degree won't hurt me. It's not a felony but still... the worst moving violation you can get I think. Anyways, yeah I was at the Apple Cup. ;) I rode with another cadet in a big 'ol Suburban. I was uhh wearing blue shorts with a blue Det910 t-shirt. Small asian dude, only played football. What's funny is we have two cadets transfering to your school next year. Apple Cup next year should be a blast though. I am going to request dodge ball. hehe And yeah, ARCON is over there this year. I'll be there.
  18. Not that I know of. When I had my DoDMERBs I even asked the lady "so everything look alright?". She told me "Yep, you are looking healthy". lol I have no history of any back problems. My physical I had at the beginning of this year I came out fine. During my K-12 years when checked for back problems, I was fine as well. *shrug* On the paper I was sent though, it says my name though.
  19. Hey Jetjock, Congrats and good luck with ENJJPT! I'm only a freshman but pursuing the same thing (an ENJJPT slot). I would kill (not literally) for a UPT slot, but like you, I've always dreamed of flying fighters so I am working my butt off to hopefully make it to ENJJPT.
  20. A few days ago I recieved an email from my NCO about something to do with an orthopedic surgeon. She gave me a letter from DoDMERB. This is the additional information they request: R221.08 - Please obtain a NEW consultation by an orthopedic surgeon regarding limitations of spinal flexion as noted on physical exam. If either hospitalization or surgery were required for this condition, please provide a copy of the narrative summary and operative report and a written interpretation of appropriate x-ray films if they have been done, to the examining orthopedic surgeon for review and to this board with the orthopedic surgeon's current evaluation. Also provide information regarding extend of your participation in athletics during the past year. List and explain in detail if there were any restrictions imposed by the above condition or if any external support or braces were required... Sounds scary and serious but never in my life have I had any sort of back problems. When I had my DoDMERB I was told I'm looking very healthy and good to go. Has anyone else experienced this sort of situation? The earliest I can have my orthopedic surgeon examination is next month, but I was just curious if this was something serious that will probably DQ me from flying. My eye vision was enough to worry about, now my back... :(
  21. I'm pretty sure you will be fine as long as you don't make the same mistake while in ROTC. I have a whole bunch of moving violations, including one negligent driving (second degree) ticket that had to be waived by the Colonel. I took that ticket to court and had it dropped but it still had to be waived (they only requested a case docket, which had no information about the infraction *shrug* but that's what they wanted). Anyways, this was before I joined AFROTC. I'm only a freshman now and from what I've been told, I'm fine as long as I don't make the same mistakes while in ROTC. Hopefully it won't affect me. I honestly don't think it will though. I'm not a bad kid. ;) Just in love with fast cars... Just don't make the same mistakes while in ROTC and I think you will be fine! Good luck with whatever you choose to do. Btw, do you plan on attending detachment 910 (University of Washington)? That is the detachment I'm currently at.
  22. Anyone know if there is any possibility that they might allow WFG-LASIK for aircraft that fly above 14,000ft? From what I read, it's waiverable for aircraft that fly below 14,000ft. I know PRK is a possibility but the success rate doesn't seem too high (success rate as in people getting waivers with PRK). This WFG-LASIK sounds pretty good though, just not sure if they'll use it for high flying aircraft. I'm starting to wonder if I'm trying to go for something I can't even become... I hate my eyes. :( Thanks.
  23. aspec


    I thought only the AIM-9X is used with the JHMCS. Not sure why you'd be firing AIM-120's WVR (unless of course they're off your nose a few miles out). JHMCS mainly is for those crazy off angled shots from what I read... and I believe the AIM-9X is the only missile that will manuver well enough to be even worth using with the JHMCS (although there is the Python 5, but that's Israels missile hehe). Hopefully one of the fighter pilots on these forums has used them and can comment on them. =)
  24. Ah crap lol. Other way around.
  25. Yeah I don't plan on keeping my record clean from here on out. Hopefully it will be ok. I appreciate the replies. Thanks!
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