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163 FS

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Posts posted by 163 FS

  1. The 163rd Fighter Squadron (A-10C) at Fort Wayne, IN has opened the application window effective immediately.  All applications must be received NLT 28Feb19. Interviews will be conducted in early May 2019.  See the below link for details.  Ask any questions at upt.application@gmail.com.



    2019 163FS Application Annoucement.pdf

    • Like 2
  2. 38 minutes ago, mb1685 said:

    Looks like the PDF is still up at this URL even though the Careers page is down: http://www.122fw.ang.af.mil/Portals/21/documents/AFD-160426-023.pdf?ver=2017-02-01-131257-970

    Thanks for putting up that link.  That PDF is actually for the last board, but nothing has changed except the dates iirc.  Applications need to be postmarked NLT 28FEB17 for consideration.  Interviews 5,6 May 17.  If you are applying for this board and need the current PDF, please PM me your email address and I'll get it right out.


    • Upvote 1
  3. (Edited for link to PDF)

    The 163rd Fighter Squadron out of Fort Wayne, IN (ANG, A-10C) will have an open application window for Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) from Dec 1, 2016 through Feb 28, 2017.  If selected, interviews will be held 5-6 May, 2017.

    If interested, please visit:

    http://www.122fw.ang.af.mil/Portals/21/documents/2016 Pilot Candidate Letter UPT questionnaire.pdf?ver=2017-02-16-133305-880

    Good luck for all that apply.

    • Upvote 4
  4. Anyone done Arizona Flight Training Center? Heard 100% pass rate (good). $3k (not as good, but possibly worth it).

    Just did my ATP with these guys. I highly recommend this program. 100% pass rate for MIL guys is as good as it gets. Anyone in Arizona or surrounding states should go here. $2800 is well worth the cost. I'd probably pay more and still be happy. Examiner fee is included.

  5. Recommend Oakdale Drive if there are any rentals available on that street. Lots of Mil folks and nice, smaller houses. Should be in your price range. It's a smaller street, but worth if if there is anything available.

  6. E6B whiz wheels. AF Form 70s. Ban FalconView. Cut up your own damn TPCs and make some shit happen by looking out the window.

    Agree with the "Looking out the window" thing...Choke yourself for the rest.

  7. Is this really the place for tactics? You'd be crushed for this in any squadron i've ever been a part of. Do yourself a favor and quit...your future squadron bros are watching and laughing.


    Hoss wasn't discussing tactics, simply saying what he would change. He makes valid points and, as stated before, wasn't even approaching classified.

    What exactly would he be crushed for? I personally know Hoss and hold him in very high esteem in the flying world. I'm sure this discussion will lead to at least one person re-reading the JP or their 3-1 or whatever. That makes this a successful thread and, probably, why Baseops was created in the first place.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Doesn't the second C in CAC stand for card?

    The proper usage is, “you will need a CAC to post.” This is why I said a long time ago they just need to rename the damn thing the Secure Access Cipher Key.

    Either way you will still need your card reader or should we call call it by the technical name: Virtual Access Gate (VAG). Please insert your CAC into the VAG before you post...

  9. Why on earth would you want a wimpy 20mm shell when you could get some 30mm shells from a real gun...just kidding, don't throw stones.

    Anyway, in the Hog world I can just go down to the weapons shop and get some for free (well, with a little beer anyway). I would ask one of his classmates to track down some rounds there on base. It shouldn't be too difficult.

    If you are really feeling gung ho then you could try to get some rounds that he actually shot. It would take a little more coordination (READ: Beer), but it would make it a lot more personal. I have three rounds from the first time I ever shot the gun and it only cost me a 12-pack. Although I'm not sure how difficult it is to get rounds out of that gun.

    If it was me, I'd like to have rounds that I actually fired...although the idea is really cool itself.

    Good Luck!!!

  10. Same as UPT - student pilot. 92TO if it's the same as it was ten years ago.

    You sure about this? I seem to remember 11F...something or other. Maybe it was because I was a FAIP.

    92T0 is a student pilot. Pilots in IFF are now rated. I may be wrong. It's also like 3 am and I'm a little drunk.

  11. General Olds' military decorations include the Air Force Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star with three oak leaf clusters, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross with five oak leaf clusters, Air Medal with 39 oak leaf clusters, British Distinguished Flying Cross, French Croix de Guerre, Vietnam Air Force Distinguished Service Order, Vietnam Air Gallantry Medal with gold wings, and Vietnam Air Service Medal.

    That's incredible (among other things, like 16 kills).

    In addition, he is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. An extraordinary man. They just don't make 'em like that anymore.

  12. You can still be up in the RVSM airspace even though you are not in an RVSM airplane. The controllers just need to let you up there. Something like, "Chicago center, Fatty 69, 250, requesting 330, negative RVSM." They can clear you if they want, but they don't have to if it is busy or whatever.

    I've had a 50% luck in my experiences.

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