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163 FS

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Everything posted by 163 FS

  1. That is Marine Sergeant Ashleigh Bryant. My .69 second search resulted no pics.
  2. I'm thinking he meant B-17. It is really not that bad of a mistake. C-17/B-17 = Big plane with four engines. He probably saw one at an airshow when he was a kid with Gramps and that is all he remembers.
  3. I think Nole is correct. You're TDY and the Boss said, "No Strippers" or something to that effect? I think this is one of those cases where he can not order you do do something (like paying dues), but can make your life hell if you don't do it. So clearly, he cannot order you to aquire strippers for the naming, but he can make your life hell if you don't. I'm sure LPA and CABLE will agree with me on this one.
  4. Quiet, don't let everyone know... To the OP: A-10 all the way. 30mm, need I say more?
  5. Dude, I'm with you. I've been in for almost 14 years now in two different services in both E and O billets and I'm with you.
  6. Nope, everyone in the Air Force is a "Warrior." The USAF Heritage of America Band tells us so. See track #4. I hope everyone knows that this was a sarcastic post.
  7. Great bar, beer and food...plus they have horeshoes. Just don't go in there if you, how to say this, are a man of color.
  8. It was probably a hung BDU (or some other malfunction) that eventually made its way off the TER or whatever the other dudes carry. I can't see the dude trying to ripple a pod of rockets (or doing any WD for that matter) in the immediate vacinity of Nellis. The BDU actually landed on Nellis then skipped over the wall and hit some poor degenerate on the other side. Or it could have been TER kick...
  9. I can't see this being a good idea, but I'm not a poltician... Are the F-15s all C models or are there E models being thrown away as well? At least only 9 Hogs are going the way of the boneyard.
  10. 163 FS

    Beer light

    How about an AIM-9 Missile Lamp!
  11. 163 FS

    MP3 Players

    My 20 Gig old ass IPod finally took its last dump. I'm gonna go pick up the new 32Gig IPod Touch tomorrow.
  12. THROTTLES-MAX GEAR-UP STORES-JETTISON IF REQUIRED FUEL FLOWS-OVERRIDE (unless you're Chuck Norris, then you are already in fuel flows overrride, the engine HOT lights are an indication of Maximum Thrust) Wait till 2000' and 200 knots and start running checklists.
  13. When I was a student in T-38s, all I heard was single seat fighter this and that (as it should be). I was FAIPed and was bummed that I wasn't going to go out and do THE Job right now. That didn't last long and I really got into teaching. I enjoyed the heck out of my FAIP tour and it really made me a much better pilot. Lots of FAIPs are disgruntled when they get FAIPed, everyone knows it and nobody wants to hear it. Most FAIPs enjoy their tours, but it does get a little bit old that third year. Regardless, I'm now almost done with the A-10 B-Course and it was well worth the wait. Also, being FAIPed helps keep you from some of the non-vol assignments out there (not fully protect, but help). It really is a great tour and it is only three years. As an added bonus, after his FAIP tour he is eligible to go teach PIT in San Antonio. I sat in on a briefing from the A-10 assignments dude and he said that he is always looking for guys that can go straight to KRND to teach PIT. That also may help keep you out of a bad deal (UAV, etc). Hope this helps. FAIPing gets a bad name, but it really isn't that bad of a deal, I'm glad I was FAIPed.
  14. My class of 9 Active Duty (A-10) dudes just got our drop and we're sending two to Whiteman. Both of 'em Captains BTW.
  15. I searched, but no luck... Does anyone remember that audio clip of that dude freaking out in IMC saying he was going to die and such? I think it was over a FSS freq. It was posted on here a couple of years ago...man that was funny. If someone can find it I'll buy you a virtual beer.
  16. At least he made it realistic. EDIT: SARCASM ON...didn't really think I needed to explain that.
  17. If that was the case the topic would have been in "Squadron Bar" because this shit never happens (to me anyway, but I do like to live vicariously at times--please lets hear the stories.)
  18. I know there are a lot of misinformed people out there. As far as what I have experienced in the A-10 so far, I'll tell you what I know. UPT T-38: Doing their best to get us ready for IFF/FTU. I always felt like part of the squadron (as much as they could allow anyway). then I did a FAIP tour... I really enjoyed my tour, no shit. IFF@KRND: Dude, awesome squadron in every way. I went in hearing of the washout stories, horror stories, etc. Didn't see any of it. I really felt like part of the squadron and was always treated like a new wingman. They had standards to adhere to, but I really felt like they were training a new wingman that they would go to war with (a war where we drop imaginary bombs and shoot imaginary bullets anyway). I never saw the BS that you hear about. A-10 FTU: No quite halfway done yet, but I'm loving every minute of it. Shooting the gun for the first time...well...it was better than sex. I'll caveat that with, if I had to choose EITHER shooting the gun the rest of my life OR the ability to have sex, I'd have to go with the sex. But, as it stands now, I get to do both and IT IS AMAZING!!! I'll just say that there is nothing like it. I look forward to the day that I can be an asset to a fighter squadron. There will always be a difference between the heavies and the fighters. I've got a former C-130 dude in my FTU class right now and he's doing very well. He's a Guard dude for all you who are curious. Just my input on how I see things from my side of the fence. People scoff on briefing and debriefing so long. Do I bitch and moan...hell no--my job is the be the best A-10 wingman I can be. If I spend an extra two hours reviewing tape, I'll be that much better. It's not something that people complain about, it's the way it is for a reason. For the record, everyone has their job to do and its a highly competitive business. I commend everyone (even the shoes) that do their job to the best of their ability. Here's to all of those folks
  19. To answer your questions: 1. Duty comes first, but that doesn't mean that you can't be Jewish. When duty calls, your ass better be running. Depending on your a/c, job, deployments, etc your ability to observe the sabbath will change. 2. Kosher food should always be available, IIRC even MREs have Kosher options. 3. I'm not sure what you are referring to, please elaborate... 4. Anything else...don't be cheap (Sorry, had to throw it in there, just joking obviously) Overall, I don't think anyone will care about your religion unless it affects morale or the mission.
  20. AETCI 36-2205 Check out attachment 5. This is the pub that governs aircrew training. You won't need to reference it as a student, but some of the rules are only listed here. As far as if stuff is weighted differently (EP, GK, SA, etc)...I don't know. That is what I was always told, but I never really cared to look it up. TIMS pukes out a number and that is what we used. However, I do remember looking at the points that TIMS gave for two students who both got a 2E on their checkride. One stud had more points (slightly) than the other. I guess that means that some stuff is weighted more heaily than others, but I don't think that it is significant. I will add that the stan tests (EPQs), FC ranking and academics, while not a very large always played a huge part in deciding the track select assignments. For example, a class finished up about a week early and the FC sat down with all the IPs and went through FC rankings. One guy was #4 and one was #5. We all decided (the FC did anyway) that the rankings were accurate. After putting in the FC rankings, the #4 guy got the last T-38 slot and the #5 guy didn't get the -38. The MASS difference was something like .00069 points between the two. We decided to reverse the FC ranking on both just to see what happened and yes, TIMS said the other guy should get the -38. Point is, even though it might be a smaller percentage of the mass, don't blow it off. Do your best at everything you do (but this is something your Dad should have taught you a long time ago). I've seen many of these type situations (for -38s, T-44s and even the UH-1 and Toner. I knew that being a FAIP would pay off someday! EDIT: Just found this: A5.1.5.1. Each maneuver has scores for unable, fair, good, and excellent. Critical maneuvers are weighted more heavily. For example, landing is weighted more than aileron roll. Weighted grade values for individual maneuvers are available in the maneuver grade files. Scores are based on the first attempt of the maneuver. NOTE: A maneuver discontinued by a student exercising situational awareness does not necessarily constitute a first attempt.
  21. It's looking like I'm headed off to Osan at the end of the year. Does anyone know if I can take a motorcycle and if it would be a good/bad idea to do so? I'm thinking it'd be nice to run around base on, but not sure about off base (criminal situation).
  22. I got some really great dollars when I was a FAIP. Most of the really cool ones had something to do with the stud (former submariner, guard guys, etc). They made something that was unique. For example, I had an Ensign make me an awesome dollar. He was a former submariner and made a big submarine out of 100 pennies and put that in a picture frame. Below that, he had (dolphins + AF wings = Navy wings)--the actual wings. Very cool idea and a stand up guy. I also had a dude take a Tweet on a stick and pasted dollars over it because I used the sticks non-stop I guess. Very simple, but it was unique and I liked it. The best one I got was from this A-10 guard chick. Basically, find something between the two of you and ask a girl for ideas. They always have better imaginations than guys (me anyway). Try to make something cool and that will last. Also, if you make it into a picture type dollar, they can hang it up on their 'I love me wall.' Bottom line, put some time in it.
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