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163 FS

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Everything posted by 163 FS

  1. Any of you guys ride on base with this vest? It looks a lot better than the typical road guard vest, plus its got a waterproof pouch on the back and an ID card thingy for the front. I think I might pick one up here in Tucson. BTW, during a safety day coming up here at D-M, the safety guys are going to inspect everyones bike, MSF card, and PPE and if your in compliance they'll give you an ACC sticker or something. I think this will help out the whole, "show me your MSF card" at the gate. Sounds gay, but it'll save hassle going through the gate.
  2. 163 FS

    Super Bowl Picks

    I'm taking the Giants and the points.
  3. Thread revival! There have got to more mil aviation Chuck Norris jokes out there...or just regular ones for that matter. --Chuck Norris can do a wheelie...on a unicycle. --Chuck Norris doesn't wear condoms...nothing can protect you from Chuck Norris. --Chuck Norris' altimeter is always set to 00.00"...Mr. Norris is never under pressure. --Chuck Norris doesn't get vectored to final, final gets vectored to Chuck Norris. --Chuck Norris doesn't consider it sex if the woman lives. --Chuck Norris once got in a sperm fight with a sperm whale...the whale drowned. Keep em comin'
  4. Clock starts ticking the day you graduate UPT. So you're looking at about 11.5 years depending on your casual.
  5. 163 FS


    I use it like a MFer on CT XC and I'll use it to back up what the student brings to me after he/she plans the sortie. I love DUATS
  6. RIP Anyone have any idea why he "dropped out of formation" like the media is saying or what maneuver was being performed. I know the media understands aviation like I understand women, but that is what is neing reported--any insight?
  7. Just watching some WWII movie and a question just came to me... Pilots that shoot down another aircraft get "kills", five to be an ace but, what did the gunners (B-17, etc.) get when they shot down another aircraft? I tried ye old Google with no luck (although somebody will prove me wrong).
  8. Did anyone else see that she worked for the SECDEF? I'm sure that is a big office, but the man knows what he wants when it comes to interns!
  9. I want one too!!! Someone help us out. Please...
  10. From the 11-248: 5.8.3. Procedure: Confirm aircraft configuration prior to or at the perch. Begin final turn (perch point) to allow for a ½ to ¾ mile final. Correct for winds. For example, with a strong headwind on final, begin the final turn earlier than for a no-wind pattern. Displace the perch point into the wind which is affecting the final turn to rollout on a ½ to ¾ mile final. As a Controller it pisses me off when a dude perches too early...it screws up the spacing for initial takeoffs that I'm trying to work in. Then you have to go-around, offest and then you'll get the "Negative Closed." As far as the original post goes--I'd work on the basic a/c control kind of things (just flying around, some turns, climbs, descents, etc.) I'd also do some straight-ins and practice the in-flight checks as well. The more basic stuff you can do the better. We'll teach you the rest.
  11. 163 FS

    UPT stress

    Some dudes have it, some dudes will have it in a little bit, some dudes will never get it. As far as making it through pilot training, I can tell you first hand that: -If you have good attitude -If you help out your bros, not alienating yourself, etc.. -If you try your damndest to know everthing about what is on your profile card -If you have a good attitude Then, your IPs will go to bat for you. They will work with you that extra 15-30 minutes making sure you understand the concepts. Don't give up!!! Take it one event at a time. That Stump the Buddy thing that Hacker was talking about is an amazing way to study. Talk to your IPs. If you have questions about how to do something (I'm getting drug in, I'm getting slow over the top, etc.) The good IPs will explain how to fix it and when your name comes up in the Flt CC office, the IPs are going to say, "Well, he's not very good, but he works so damn hard, I like him, lets try to keep him around." Not that that works all the time, but you'd be amazed how far attitude and hard work will take you in UPT and (I can't speak to it, but) the rest of your career.
  12. It is terrible, but true. I saw this coming after thier capture. I too hope it was quick. RIP Brothers!
  13. ASD is a little less in the T-38 vs the T-6, so in the T-6 I'd say the avg is about 1400 +/- 300 depending on what jobs you get and how much you are willing to go X-C. There are several dudes who leave their T-37/T-6 FAIP tours with 1800+ hours b/c they went X-C all the time. Not sure about the T-1.
  14. As a current T-6 FAIP I can tell you that it isn't a bad deal. I didn't choose to become a FAIP, but that is the way the cards were dealt. I don't know how the Toners do their FAIP thing, but I can tell you that FAIPs in my T-6 squadron are offered some resposibility off the bat. I'm having a great time in my tour. I've flown both the Tweet and the T-6 and have about 6-9 months before I find out my next assignment. It is hard work at times, but you are home alot. Here are some pros and cons: PROS: 1. IP time that will help you become a better pilot. 2. Home at night 3. Can go X-C pretty much any weekend you want and to whereever you want (to an extent) 4. Responsibility from within the squadron (Check Section, Possibly Flight Commander, etc) 5. CT X-C to Nellis 6. CT X-C to Nellis 7. CT X-C to Nellis CONS: 1. Not able to get your hands "dirty" right away, thus not having and experience other than UPT to rely on. 2. Talking to your pilot training Bros and after they told their stories of IRAQ or whatever, having to say "That sounds a hell of a lot cooler than what I'm doing right now --DOGFACE/CONTACT SPINS." 3. Most of the MWS dudes are cool with the FAIPs, but their are a few haters (mostly old FAIPs it seems). All in all, I didn't seek it, but it has been a great experience for me. I have two kids now and can see them all the time. By the time I will be deployed for the first time, they will be in school, that helps. Hope this helps.
  15. I took a two ship of T-6s into Springfield, MO several months ago. After engine shutdown there were many aviation enthusiasts that were asking all these questions about the airplane. I couldn't understand it...I've been X-C a thousand times and no one has ever taken this much interest in me or my airplane. Still scratching my nugget while walking into the FBO...gave her my fuel card... "You know that we don't have a Gov't fuel contract right?" So that's why there was so much interest in the airplane...no one has ever gone in there because there was no fuel contract. My DO was so proud of me that next morning.
  16. 163 FS


    Buddy of mine got his callsign from diverting a two ship into there (in a tweet) after the runway crumped at FSM. I don't think he realized the whole VHF only thing. So when they said, "Contact tower now on 169.69," he's like: "Request Uniform" "No uniform freq for the tower" "Um, well...stby" "Yeah, about that, can I just land with you?" I've been in there in the T-6 and its a pretty good deal. I guess talk with tower and ask them what's up with that.
  17. Not sure why it went to T-1s and then back to T-38s, but I sure wish it would go back to the T-1 (i.e. I don't want a BUFF out of my FAIP tour).
  18. I double turned lots in T-38s in UPT and triple turned 3 or 4 times in the aircraft. This was after a typical winter in northwest OK and with an upper class who was behind the timeline. For example, my first week flying the T-38 was double turning aicraft Mon-Thurs and then a sim and a jet on Friday. I slept pretty good that weekend. [ 08. January 2006, 21:19: Message edited by: Tweet FAIP ]
  19. You'll apply around the midway point if I remember correctly. In my class we had 22 pilots and one ENJJPT slot. The slot went to a total tool who had the most hours out of all of us. Talked to a few of the FTOs and they said that that was pretty standard. With the classes being so small these days (I'm told) I'm not sure if it's changed. Good luck.
  20. Chorus: On your left, right, left right, left right Kill. On your left, right, left right kill, kill, kill. I went to the college Where all the hippies learn. I called in some Napalm and they began to burn. Chorus I went to the playground where all the kiddies play. I laid down my 60 and I began to spray. Chorus I went to the airport where all the people fly I pulled out my pistol and they began to die. Chorus I went to the mall Where all the people shop. I pulled out a machete and I began to chop. Chorus There are a few other versus that I can't remember (its been a while since my Army days). But you can pretty much make up any location and weapon and make it ryhme.
  21. What is "ASTRA"...or am I just a dumba$$.
  22. SO what about boxing, basketball, rugby and I'm sure there are others that I can't think of right now.
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