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163 FS

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Everything posted by 163 FS

  1. That is kind of a personal question, don't you think?
  2. That stuff is pretty funny. Mach 6 doin' rolls...that guy is awesome. Truly a great deed you have done us WX. Thank you.
  3. Did you say that you had two checks in the same week? Who did you piss off?
  4. 123ABC- Do you have basic parachutist wings or Airborne wings?
  5. Future Bone Driver- I never went to Korea, but do you have the certificate from your AAM saying your location (Korea) at the time of the award. I guess you could match your DD214 and that award, but common sense never prevails (especially in the MPF). Wear the medal, you earned it. Besides, it won't count towards anything (I don't think) and who is going to call you out on it.
  6. I agree about the CIB (I myself am prior Army). Only Infantry can receive the award, but it has gotten a reputation as the (Free IB). A very challenging award the the Expert Infantry Badge (EIB). Anyway, AF dudes cannot wear their Ranger tab according to the uniform reg (36-2913 maybe, sounds familiar.) However, I would let them wear it. I've got several buddies in the AF that were in the Army with me who have Ranger tabs and to my knowledge they wear it.
  7. It is not a times event, however there are the six second reps so 10 reps (the required min) would be a one minute exercise. Then a one minute break. Then the next exercise, then a one minute break...etc.... What Lucky said about the 1+15 thinig with p/u is correct. Hopefully this clears up any confusion.
  8. It MUST have been a Tweet!
  9. Dorms are free, they will pay heat, water, elec...you will have to pay for phone, cable, internet, etc. Base pay for an 0-1 is somewhere around $2300/month. Flight pay is $125 once you start UPT. BAS is around $175/month. Take out normal taxes, $20 for SGLI (life insurance) and I'm sure there is more, but I can't remember right now. How much you spend is up to you...eating out every night or the Super Walmart? ROTH IRA and TSP are good investment tools for you.
  10. IPs can take there specific jet CT X-C on any weekend that their DO allows them to go. The standing order for my squadron is once a quarter, but depending on how the flying hours are going it could be more that that or solo X-C.
  11. 3. Height: a. Minimum height is 64 inches (5'4") b. Maximum height is 77 inches (6'5") c. Sitting height must be between 34-40 inches from the base of the spine This is from a NON air force website, however the numbers do look familiar to me back when I did the Brooks thing. Hope this helps.
  12. BE an AD pilot...why not? You can always fly for the airlines later.
  13. Sorry it took so long for me to see this--- WTFO? Someone was very misinformed.
  14. Just the last phase (38s or T-1s) of SUPT. ENJJPT probably takes it from the whole program.
  15. Bring your family for the following reasons: 1: Moral support 2: (Not to be sexist) Your wife can do most of the admin stuff with the household (i.e. laundry, dinner, bills, etc.) 3: She can help you study by asking boldface/ops limits, the study questions for academic classes, or any "gouge" you might have I actually had a baby two weeks into T-38s, but my wife was so good about it I don't think it took too much away from my performance. Bottom Line: TAKE YOUR FAMILY
  16. I think it is something like 9 G's for 10 secs,6 for 10, 9 for 10, 6 for 10 and so on for like 2 minutes or something like that. Sounds like it sucks--I thought 7.5 for 15 was bad...
  17. Know the Boldface/Ops Limits like 135driver said. I'm a tweet Faip at vance and there is nothing that pisses me off more than when a new class doesn't know the Boldface. Have fun during your casual status, but be ready to buckle down for 55 weeks once you hit the flight line. Don't burn yourself out though, I always gave Saturday to my wife and had a baby two weeks into 38s so I had my hands full to say the least. The big task is to prioritize the time that you do have once you hit the flight line. As one of my most respected IPs says, "Make your next sortie your first priority." Very clear, but you are responsible for a lot of information(Stand Ups, Stan Tests, etc...) Good luck.
  18. VOR and TACAN stations are two different things. If you look at a low chart (or any other chart for that matter) you can see the different symbols. Most stations are VORTACs, that is a TACAN and VOR in the same unit, but there are those VOR only and TACAN only stations. As far as the T-38C, at Vance we have both VOR and TACAN in most of our jets. The T-38C didn't originally have both, only VOR, but the powers that be decided we needed a TACAN (no Sh*t). For those of you that don't know, a lot of military installations are TACAN only, thus you need a TACAN to navigate to the station.
  19. From what I've heard its easier to get -38's out of Whiting as opposed to Tweets, Yes there is the initial shock of 12 hour days and the new pattern, but for the most part it is not a hard transition. As long as you are motivated to do well in your new track then there is really no disadvantage. There are a few advantages--short days at Whiting with your afternoons on the beech, easier to get -38's, harder to wash out. Again this is all heresay, but its all from people who were Navy trained at Whiting.
  20. In my tweet class, most of the guys said that felt sick during their first few rides and I was one of them. We did have a few that actually threw up in the jet, but they all got over it after some extra training. Don't worry about it, you'll get use to it just like you did in your 152.
  21. You can fly for the army w/o a degree through the Warrant Officer program. Go to the army's warrant officer page and it will give you more info on requirements. You have to take the AFAST test and score well in order to have a shot, but I do believe that you can go out of high school, but don't quote me on that. Good luck!
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