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backseatdriver last won the day on October 18 2014

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  1. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/06/03/pentagon-unveils-new-policy-for-12-month-unaccompanied-tours-to-iraq-arabian-peninsula/ Looks like accompanied assignments have been turned off "permanently"
  2. Have a question I can't find an answer to on all the GI Bill FAQs so thought someone on here might have some experience with it... If you transfer your benefits to dependents you incur a 4-year ADSC and, beginning in July, this has to be done NLT 16th year of service. Once transferred, months can be reallocated at will without affecting ADSC. I'm tracking all of that. The question is - if you transfer benefits to dependents, incur your ADSC, and then later add another dependent (i.e. have another kid, get married, etc), can you allocate months to them without issue, or is that considered a NEW transfer...and therefore has to be done prior to 16 years and incurs a new ADSC?
  3. Specifically it's the base pay of the CMSAF ($8361) plus HFP/IDP ($225). So you get up to $8,586 of each month tax free.
  4. You got passed over while working at the JCS? Or did you PCS there after the board?
  5. https://www.hurlburt.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/798252/colonel-thomas-b-palenske/ He's just about to hit 23 years TIS (commissioned in 95), so he still has a year until his pole window for O-7 starts (24-26 years)
  6. Talk to your AFELM commander - they should be your advocate with your raters to make sure you're taken care of from an "Air Force" perspective while you're in the joint job.
  7. "Transfer contracts in place prior to 180 days after the date of enactment of the legislation will be grandfathered. Transfer contracts signed after that date will be subject to the lower housing rate." BLUF: Transfer your benefits soon or your kids will get 50% less housing allowance.
  8. There's even a video of info on the ACJ (including 150mm cannons) overlaid on...AC-130U video. The only footage of the Ghostrider is in the first two seconds. Way to go CNN.
  9. And it looks like we're getting 150mm cannons. That'll be pretty sweet. Another stellar piece of well-researched aviation journalism from CNN.
  10. Published by the Department of Redundancy Department
  11. So does anyone else feel like this entire demonstration is incredibly sexist? Ironic that there's an event that centers around reducing sexual assault and its underlying causes by having guys walk around in bright red heels - because clearly, what other kind of shoes would a woman wear?
  12. Sucks for the girl whose picture got thrown on the letter that didn't even write it!
  13. Can someone post what 12X's are on the list? MyPers is not cooperating...
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