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Everything posted by backseatdriver

  1. First and foremost, a toast... Was Maj Williams an instructor at Randolph back in '04?
  2. I've got a good buddy out there as well. I hope they find the guys alright.
  3. Good point. I bet he's an EWO.
  4. OH. MY. GHEY.
  5. You would think Astronaut wings would ALWAYS trump spwings - regardless of his job.
  6. False. There's a little thing called Posse Comitatus that prevents that without an act of Congress. True.
  7. Nope - M9.
  8. Since when did these things become official uniforms? I thought they were only making samples. Gen Brady Sporting New Service Dress
  9. I would hope someone gave them a "Come to Jesus" meeting for this. Unbelievable.
  10. Based on the few times I've been out there (3) I'd vote for Clovis if you're going to live off base. The northeast part of town has some nice housing areas, and is close to the nicer side of town (the north end of town is where the Wal-Mart, Chili's, Applebee's, Mall, etc. is). I've heard people say that Portales is the nicer town between the two, but from what I've seen, it's actually more rundown. Plus there's not much in Portales other than housing, so you're still going to be driving to Clovis to eat, hang out at Kelly's, etc. My $.03.
  11. Nah - Doha's Committee of Fifty would ensure it stays open.
  12. Here's a Toast... On 11 Oct, it was decided that a GREAT American will be awarded the Medal of Honor. This is the first MOH awarded for operations in Afghanistan. The MOH will be presented by President Bush on 22 October. Here is a link to the story: Real American Hero This weekend please lift a glass to LT Michael Murphy, his team, and all those who worked to save them...
  13. What's the confusion about?
  14. Here's a toast...
  15. Those callsigns are a SOF/CSAR/CAS thing, not a fighter/non-fighter thing. The pride/tradition associated with them is obviously lost on you.
  16. I don't care who you are - that's funny.
  17. This is one of those questions that we probably don't really want to know the answer to. Ignorance is bliss.
  18. Please tell me you're joking.
  19. Are you ROTC? Man that sucks - I know they did that delayed EAD back in the 90s but didn't realize they started it back up. With that long until UPT it might be a possibility, it doesn't hurt to look into it if that's what you decide you want to do. I'd talk to your Det CC, and talk to the guys at AFPC that oversee the process.
  20. Zero. If you're commissioning next week, then you're locked in. When my buddy got picked up for CRO, he went to Phase II the spring of his junior year - it's a pretty long application process. Once on AD, you may be able to put a package in before UPT if your CC will let you, and depending on how long you're on casual.
  21. Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell comes out on 12 June. For those of you not familiar with this story, it will be a very interesting book. This guy is a mega Billy Badass.
  22. A whole week without beer? War is hell.
  23. O.A.R. Dave Matthews My Chemical Romance Death Cab for Cutie Panic! at the Disco Foo Fighters
  24. Me neither. I guess tanker guys don't fly with weapons? I don't know who "many other airframes" would include - maybe RCs? Everyone should be packing heat - except maybe the Pred guys - they're probably okay.
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