Fact. As an older guy who entered into the AF after working in economics in the private sector, I can tell you ANY degree has about a five year shelf life, period. No one cares what you did ten plus years ago as a Captain to earn an AAD. Times change, business moves forward. An MBA from Stern today is outdated tomorrow. For all the USAFA shiny pennies who went VFR direct to MIT, etc., guess what, when you get out, that technical degree isn't going to do much for you (assuming you're a pilot and not an engineer/acquisitions) in the way of getting you hired. What do you think your classmates have been doing while you were flying the Uncle's toys...? USING their education and gaining experience in their core competency.
AADs are worthless unless you want to attend TPS, or the AF sends you in-res to better prepare you for upcoming assignments/duty, or you're pursuing one for the SOLE purpose of promotion. IMHO, worrying about AADs and what "doors" they'll open for you in the future is like competing for first place at the Special Olympics.