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BFM this

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Everything posted by BFM this

  1. The check is in the mail
  2. How so? MWS guys have always been getting non-vol'd. And it continues. So after the board is done looking at the last UPT dude, is it auto-recat thereafter?
  3. So, if I'm following this saga correctly, the 477 recats will never have a chance to meet another parole board? 400 were voluntary recats from previous MWSs? (412 total vols - 12 UPT dudes) 544 seems like a big number for this board to meet. Is the board expected to keep meeting once a year, reviewing [x] # of dudes that are 3(?) years in the field? Why are they even reviewing voluntary recats? (I'm guessing the same reason that I have to submit RIF paperwork...)
  4. Worked for Dale Brown.
  5. Yep: what he said.
  6. The pic with the hajis standing next to the tail boom is what I noticed: looks massive. All of the discussions have centered around a "modified blackhawk". That looks more like a -53 sized beast.
  7. No retribution for VSP my ass!
  8. 1977...1993...2009...
  9. Way more interested in this half of the response.
  10. We were allowed to go to the club and have a beer on Pendleton as of '93.
  11. BFM this

    Gun Talk

    You hit the press-to-test on that? Silly human.
  12. You mean to suggest that the media consider the intel value of information before they report? Blasphemy!
  13. I'm a bit surprised they hadn't NEO'd a week ago. Seems to me that every resource not consumed by the base populace could be diverted to the relief effort. Very disruptive to Misawa/Yakota families, but at this point it's all relative.
  14. Attitude. To the prior poster: I went to UPT as an MEII with ATP mins met. And I crushed it. What always bugged me though, were the IPs that can't wait to slip the above gem into a conversation. To be fair, yeah, even I had a fair amount to shake loose in terms of "regardless of what you know, the AF wants it done X way". But at the end of the day: attitude. #1.
  15. I've experienced this profession vicariously through my wife for 13 years. Sadly, the answer to your question is on the same plane with the riddle "Can this Officer lead?" with our current OPR/promotion system. The system doesn't give a shit.
  16. Slapped on the wrist and promoted to O5 two below the zone. Wait, what are we talking about again?
  17. We give to Plenty of counttries that turn right around and boost their militaries. NK has made a sport of it. (although that's more of an extortion racket) If we haven't reviewed russias aid status for a ton of other reasons by now, something else is out of wack.
  18. First draft. I'm sure they'll figure out that they can get the job done with ~180 planes.
  19. Yeah, waiting around for your fourth re-engine really blows...
  20. No point trying to rationalize or get inside this guy's cranium; the whole idea behind his article was f'd up from the word go. His "there I was" story actually kind of fit in with the rest of his drivel.
  21. Kid: "Mommy, where's Daddy? When is he comming home?" Spouse: "Daddy had to go away for a while, sweetie, he'll be back in a few months." Kid: "Hey, wait a minute, that's BS! I saw this on an after-school special. Daddy's in REHAB!!!" Spouse: "...yes. Yes, dear, that's right Daddy's in rehab, he'll be back in three months. Ok?"
  22. So To Speak...
  23. Quoted for truth.
  24. Ok, I'll bite: what ever happened to the Comm/Inst requirement from the feds? Did we relent and agree that we were never going to use public airspace?
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